Four balls of fur tumbled to a halt in front of my paws. I stopped in my tracks, just fast enough to keep from tripping over them. The amber-furred wolf behind me uttered a laugh, and I tiptoed between the squirming bodies of her pups.
We stepped into the dimly lit den where Cloud's watchful eyes were waiting. Her gaze met the strangers, and joy perked the corners of her lips.
"There are a few wolves who wanted to meet you," I said, ducking sideways and letting the she-wolf enter the den. "I had to hold the rest of the pack back for now. Everyone was eager to make sure you were okay." I could picture the total chaos it would be with all of them in there at the same time. Cloud didn't need to be overwhelmed right now.
The pups still cowered in the doorway, muzzles darting back and forth to search the unfamiliar shadows. Finally, their tiny muzzles drifted back to their mother to make sure it was safe. She ushered them forward with her snout, while I went to sit next to Cloud.
Each pup took a hesitant step toward us, noses twitching and smelling the air. Finally, three pairs of eyes settled on us. Their faces lit up with recognition for the pale wolf beside me, and they bounded toward Cloud.
A final set of paws remained beneath the she-wolf, crouched under the reddish fur of her underbelly. She peered out at us, while the other three wandered around Cloud and buried their snouts in her fur. I grinned at the pup, unfaltering in her decision to stay at the safety of her mother, and she stuck her head out just a little. A tiny tongue lolled.
"Hello," a soft voice said. The amber-furred mother sat at the mouth of the den. She was broad-shouldered and larger than Cloud. Some of her rounded body was attributed to a recent litter, and her underbelly still sagged with the milk they fed on. Her clay-colored pelt faded into the dark fur on her chest and muzzle.
If it weren't for the faint smile touching her lips, she might be intimidating, but the warmth of a mother's gaze filled her eyes, and her nose pointed down at the single pup still behind her legs. "I'm Dusk, and these are my pups."
Dusk backed a couple steps and used her snout to block the female from running back to her hiding place. Her mother licked the top of her head, muttering something gentle and soothing in her ear. The pup took a wary step forward, shivering.
"Toad," Dusk said with a laugh. "She's a little shy."
Cloud stared in awe at the brownish pup, with a pelt colored to match her namesake. Dark patches dotted her back, and her tawny belly brushed against the ground as she trembled closer. The two of us held absolutely still as Toad approached, reaching my forepaw with a tentative sniff. Her nose tilted up toward my face, and her nerves seemed to calm. She lowered herself to the ground, curling up in a ball next to my foot.
I met Cloud with a wavering gaze of my own. Toad's small warmth pressed against my fur. It brought me back to when I could snuggle up next to a wolf––when the fear melted away and I felt safe.
"That's Buck." Dusk pointed with her nose to the largest of the pups. His hide was a paler brown than his sister's, and he held his head proudly as he trotted around the den, quickly making himself familiar with his new surroundings. He glanced around at the sound of his name, eyeing both of us with a brave stare.
The mother nodded toward the next. "Badger."
The pup playfully tugged at his brother's ear. Badger's hide was the darkest brown of his littermates, with a white patch peeking between his ears and traveling down his back. It didn't take long for the two to start brawling, rolling across the den with squeaky growls. Their mother sighed and smiled.
"And finally, Vixen."
The red furred-pup barreled after her brothers, tugging at their ears and trying to join the fight. Buck and Badger only ignored her, keeping themselves busy with their growling tussle. I was surprised they had so much energy after their long night. Finally, Vixen gave up her attempt with a dejected whine. She trudged over to Cloud, finding a cozy place to rest in her fur.

A Drizzle of Home
FantasyA wolf's life takes an unexpected turn when tragedy strikes and leaves him without a past and with even less hope for the future. A long journey is ahead as he struggles to rediscover himself and the meaning of home. ★☆★☆★ After an accident that Dri...