Tulkun festival pt 2

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"Rotxo likes Kiri?!" I gasp and all I can hear is Neteyams laugh, we were both walking ourselves back to the festival.

I definitely missed this, having Neteyam talking to me again. It was definitely hard for me to distance myself from him, not only was it hurting me but I didn't even realize how much it affected him

"Yeah, it's crazy," Neteyam laughs, "I honestly don't mind. Rotxo is okay, at least maybe for Kiri." He says, my mind imagines Rotxo and kiri together, is double dates even a thing here?

"First it was Lo'ak and Tsireya & now Rotxo and Kiri," I add vividly, I wanted to say maybe Aonung and Tala's twin since she has a crush on him. I guess it's probably one sided on her part unfortunately

Neteyam grabs my hand and holds on to it tight, "and now us." He says as he smiles softly

My cheeks felt that burning sensation again, good thing it was dark out so Neteyam wouldn't see my flustered face

We entered back to the area of the festival, it was lively like the way it started. Metkayina dancing to their tribual music which I found beautiful, others just having a good time talking and enjoying the foods. It almost reminded me of the parties I used to go to back home.

I wonder what everyone is up to right now, or if anyone even noticed I'm missing at all back home

Then, my mind slowly went back to Tsireya some how. Where was she? Is she still upset? I felt horrible for yelling at her and I had to do things right.

"Can I tell you something?" I say to Neteyam, sighing I said " it's quite funny actually."

"Sure," he said, "did you do something funny?"

"Something like that." I say, "it's Tsireya that I'm worried about. I had a lot going on in my head and I kinda took it out on Tsireya. So now I have to go and find her and apologize."

Neteyam smiles, " you've never had a sibling before have you?"

I raise my brows, "is it that obvious?" He laughs, "yeah, I don't think you've ever had a fight with one before."

I lean on his shoulder and hide my face, "I'm an idiot." Neteyam laughs once more, " this is nothing compared to Lo'ak and Kiri. I think the longest they've been mad at each other was 5 whole days. They always make up though."

"I've just never done that before and I really feel terrible." I say, " she probably hates me."

"She does not. No one could ever hate you Naya." Neteyam says softly, "it's just part of being siblings, we fight a lot but we always make up in the end. Tsireya seems like a forgiving person anyways."

I look up at him and smile, "you think so?"

"Yeah, go find her." He says motioning for me to look for Tsireya. I nod and do as he says as I scan through the area in search for the curly headed girl

I spot her far from the festival on a rock, she was sitting on top of it. On her side was Lo'ak, he had his feet swinging below and was attentive to what Tsireya had to say. I only smiled at her interaction with Lo'ak, happy that she gets to enjoy herself and feel seen for the first time.

Especially Lo'ak. I'm sure Tsireya makes him feel better about himself, ease his mind and make everything feel fine like how Neteyam does for me

I decided it was best to leave them alone and talk things out for another day.

Morning came after the festival, all of us were pretty exhausted and slept in for a bit. I'm surprised Aonung did too since he's still trying to finish his punishment for almost letting Lo'ak die that one time

I got up first and went to the kitchen and served myself a cup of water, I took a seat on the floorboard and enjoyed my cup of water. Boy did I miss the taste of coffee in the mornings

I heard some footsteps and Tsireya popped up in the kitchen, we both stared at each other for a moment before she silently continued to walk over to the kitchen table

"Good morning," I say first, trying to break the silence.

"Mornin," Tsireya says after a few seconds, not even bothering to look at me. So she was still mad at me, I had no idea how to bring up this conversation

"How was last night?" I ask, Tsireya doesn't respond for a long time almost leaving me unanswered.

"Fun," she finally said as she exited out the kitchen, almost like she was trying to avoid me. My heart began to hurt. I saw Aonung enter the room with a confused look on his face

"What was that all about?" He asks, I sigh. "Tsireya is mad at me."

He chuckles to himself, " what happened?"

"Ugh okay," I began, "but you need to listen because you actually suck at paying attention."

He points to himself and laughs, "who me? Girl I'm a great listener. What are you talking about?"

I roll my eyes, "you are so not but whatever, let me tell you."

He sits down across from me and I began to tell him from the moment we arrived to the moment I left the festival feeling like shit because of two things. Tsireya and Neteyam, I obviously left out the fact of me figuring out a way to stop the future from happening

"Wait, you think Tala actually had a chance with Neteyam?" He laughs, " we all saw that too, you should have seen the way he was dodging her like an arrow."

"That would have been nice to know before, but yeah I got too heated and kinda went off on Tsireya. Now she's not even wanting to be near me. And I don't even know how to fix it."

Aonung groans, "you guys are complicated."

I laugh, "tell me about it."

"Look just go up to her and apologize, it's not that hard. Plus she's my sister, I've known her more than you have."

I sigh, why was I so scared to confront her? Maybe if she rejected my apology I knew we couldn't go back to how we were. Was I over thinking it?

"You'll have to eventually." He finally said as he got up to put his things away.

"Also, I'm glad you and Neteyam sorted things out." He said, almost surprising me. "He's lucky to have you."

He walks away and I noticed he smiled for a split second before it quickly faded. That was weird? It gave me a different feel towards his character


This chapter is kinda short but I'm working on some new chapters:)

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