Looking out for you

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I don't know how but I did it, I had passed my trial. It was scary at first but I managed to do my best and have no fear, I was suprised and overral proud of myself

Ronal agreed to let me celebrate with the people that came along and of course a few of my friends. That being only Tsireya and Kiri and of course Tuk, we had been eating and having a good time inside our POD reminiscing my victory

I could tell Aonung felt a bit embarrassed, proving him wrong and stuff as he didn't really jump in on our conversation or anything at all

I could see Lo'ak shooting Tsireya glances every once in a while, which I thought was cute and pointed it out to Neteyam

Neteyam snickered silently as I tried my hardest not to join him too

"I really thought Naya was going to lose the prey!" Rotxo was saying, we'd been talking about how my trial went. "But she suprised me with that sneak attack."

"Just a little trick I had," I smiled, causing rotxo to agree in respect

"I wish I would have seen it!" Tuk sighed dreamily and rested her chin on the palm of her hand

Just then we could hear whispers from the back of the POD, all we could see were the chief and Ronal's shadows

"They cannot stay here any longer!" Ronal hissed at Tonowari

"None of the villagers will tell them of his whereabouts." He said calming her down

Neither of them specified who they where talking about— it was obvious that Quaritch had already came looking for Jake and had attacked a village near by

Everyone had fallen silent, unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation

"They are endangering not our people, but the people of every tribe in the surrounding islands!" Ronal exclaimed

Kiri looked focused on what they were saying, unlike Neteyam and Lo'ak who hung their heads. Both of them looked guilty, only Tuk was the only one who had no idea what was going on

I reached my hand to squeeze Neteyam's hand in comfort

He did not say anything to that, and I started to wonder if anyone noticed

"The tribes will be fine," Tonowari assured Ronal,"they have not killed anyone"

Tsireya looked at me and had a "who?" Expression on her face

I shrugged at her not answering her question but I didn't want anyone to know that I knew

"They have not killed anyone yet." Ronal completed Tonowari's sentence, emphasizing the last word. I hadn't even realized that Ronal had been pregnant this whole time, her stressing about this stuff was really going to jeopardize her health

"They have already burned down one of the tribes homes!" She added

"We cannot kick them out." Tonowari sighed, "we already took them in."

"Then what shall we do?" Ronal asked in desperation

"I will talk to Jake Sully," he told Ronal, "we shall discuss this together."

I turned my attention to the sully kids who looked like they didn't want to be there anymore, not after hearing all of that

I could feel Neteyam squeezing my hand as everyone watched Ronal come out of the room until she appeared in the POD

"Oh.." she said, guilt appeared in her voice

"Let's go," I say standing up, hoping I could do something about this awkward situation and get the Sullys out of here

Everyone followed behind me without a word and they passed Ronal who looked after them sadly

We had made it past a few Marui pods, Aonung broke the silence that was lingering in the moment

"Who is following you?" He says looking at the Sullys

"Why would they go through the other tribes to get you?" Rotxo adds to his curiosity

"I don't think right now is the time to ask those questions." I reply, I can't imagine the stress they feel and bombarding them with questions is bad enough

"The sky people." Neteyam said sadly, "they are the reason we had to leave our home."

"Why? It doesn't make sense." Aonung questioned

"What do they want from you guys?" Rotxo added

Neteyam looked stressed, I could tell by the way he was squeezing my hand. I needed to help him get out of this situation

I looked over at Lo'ak and Tsireya for help, hoping that they would understand my message. Tsireya looked back at me with contempt and turned to look at Aonung and Rotxo.

"Hey! Why don't we let them get some rest and we'll figure this out tomorrow?"

Tsireya suggested, the rest of the group agreed to go home and do as Tsireya had suggested.

Tsireya offered to walk with Lo'ak so they could talk, is what I assumed. Leaving me and Neteyam by ourselves in the middle of the village

I turned to look at him but he couldn't look me in the eyes, which is rare considering I have always been the one to struggle to make eye contact with him so I knew something was bothering him

I wanted to say something, but what could I say to make him feel better. I don't even know what he's thinking right now

"I'm sorry." He says, I was confused on what he was apologizing for

"Sorry for what?" I asked him, " you haven't done anything wrong."

He grasped on to my hands with both of his, searching for any sign that I was feeling bothered by this. I wasn't really sure why he was so worried that I would be upset about this

"Are you worried that the sky people are going to come after your family?"  I say

Neteyam slowly nodded, as he sighed and let go of one of my hands to hold his head as he looked down to the ground

"It's not just that. Because of us, we are risking everyone's lives. I mean there's only so much we can do."

I gently pulled his hand away from his face to meet his eyes. "That's not your fault. Whatever the chief decides or your dad is all on them."

Neteyam locked his eyes onto mine, there was a moment of calming relief. Until his expression faded into a worried look

The comforting silence was over once he realized something.

"My..father." He said slowly, "I have to go." He let our hands apart and not looking back left quickly to go see his father

𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞- 𝐧. 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now