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Who knew Neteyam was great at being a boyfriend

Or 'mates' as Neytiri likes to call it

Things are different, life is different. The story is made anew thanks to me

"Naya! let's go! we're gonna be late" Neteyam says in excitement before quickly grabbing onto my hand and intertwining his fingers leading me outside to go to the reef

A blush dusted my cheeks as I felt Neteyam's warm hand against my own as he squeezed my hand tight seeming as if he were never gonna let it go. somehow even being together with him for many months, his little acts of affection seem to still have a strong effect on me. in fact, it felt even stronger.

"Slow down! They'll still be there waiting for us" I tugged on the hand of the eager Avatar

"It'll be quicker if you just get on my back." he pulled continuously on my hand. "I'll show you just how fast I can be! I used to hold the record back in the forest."

"Okay forest boy. I'll take your word for it!" I say as he turns and crouches down for me to hop onto his back

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist for a better hold so I wouldn't fall.

"Ready?" He asked


He started to make his way to the reef where the rest of our group was waiting for us, at first he was going fast but as time went by which was about five minutes he started to slow down a bit

Regardless, we were not far from the reef where I could see Tsireya, Rotxo, Aonung and Lo'ak along with Kiri all on their ilu's waiting for us

"Cmon you guys!" Tsireya shouted

"Naya! You're going to crush my brother!" Lo'ak added making Aonung and Rotxo laugh with him

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya scolded, they were distinctly a funny couple. But they somehow make it work

Neteyam made his way to the reef now, going into the water with me still on his back as I felt the fresh water hit my thighs and skin

"you can let go of her now." Lo'ak teased

"jealous you can't carry Tsireya like this?" Neteyam teased back

"you two are so cringe." Kiri grimaced at her brothers

"Oh please. You were practically struggling back here." I tell Neteyam, making him blush

"but I still did it? Didn't I?" He smirked

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, " barely."

Aonung made a gagging sound, " can we please get going?"

"Skxawng." I mutter

after that whole incident with the sky people, naturally we grew closer as a group. Every now and then when we had the time, we plan stuff for all of us to do as a group.

It's funny to see Lo'ak and Aonung getting along, after beating each other up to a pulp not that long ago

leading the way was Aonung, of course. Rotxo and Kiri in front and Tsireya and Lo'ak.

"come with me. I promise I won't go fast this time." Neteyam said, motioning for me to get behind him and ride his Ilu

"That's what you say all the time! I swear last time I nearly flew into the water!"

"Okay I learned my lesson. I want you to come with me.. please?" He began to pout like a little kid

"Okay fine. But you can't keep getting away with things with that cute face of yours."

"Works like a charm." He smiled as he helped me up to sit behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist



And that concludes this book! I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry it took me so long to finish. But this book has definitely helped me with my creativity, I still can't believe I made this story up in class one day and decided to actually write a whole story.

This is one of my very first books and I'm really excited to have finally finished it!

Love the support it's getting too! Means the world to me <3

Let me know if you guys want a Lo'ak story next

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