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(TW mention of death and dying)

I succeeded. I protected Neteyam

Wait.. Kiri and Tuk! They are still trapped in the ship

I can't die here...

I need to save them

Darkness. That familiar darkness. It's that same mysterious, churning darkness I felt months ago, the one that transported me to this world.

Am I leaving this world? I saved Neteyam! I prevented him from getting shot. Have I accomplished what I needed to in this world? Am I going to die?

Somber thoughts plagued my mind as my vision swirled in that familiar darkness. Suddenly, a blurred tinge of light emerged from outside my closed eyelids and I began to open them slowly, carefully. With myvision initially clouded and obscured, the first thing I recognized upon my sight returning to focus was him.

"Neteyam," I muttered and only then became aware of the irony taste and smell of blood around me

Neteyam's face was indescribable. It was a mix of relief and joy, frustration and grief while his eyebrows knitted together in agonizing concern. Slowly, my hearing returned to me as well.


My name sounded heavenly coming from his voice

"You're gonna be okay. The tsahik stopped the bleeding. You're gonna be just fine," he chanted while his eyes scrutinized my weary face, though it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than anything else. I looked around to see that we were no longer in the ocean, but rather somewhere more familiar

My room?

I sat up and immediately felt an immense pain in my lower abdomen

"Oh Naya! we're so glad you're okay!" Tsireya exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug, completely catching me off guard not noticing she was here too

Last time I saw Tsireya, she was escaping with Tuk. But there she was, her form over mine in a gentle embrace.

Once she let go, her eyes immediately formed tears as she had trouble blurting a word out. " I thought.. I- I couldn't bare to see you in pain. I don't know what I would have done without you!"

She sniffled as I took her hands in mine, "hey, it's okay. I'm here, I'm okay."

She let out a sob and brought her arms back on my neck

"Careful, you'll probably crush her ribs again." I hear Aonung say as he walks in with Rotxo and Kiri, my eyes widen to see Kiri again.

What all had happened when I was gone?

Tsireya jolted back, "right! I'm so sorry!" She lamented

I chuckled, "it's okay."

"Naya! I'm glad to see you survived." Rotxo chimed in with a bright smile

"Hey bro! I'm just as glad as you are!" I reply with a grin, I watch as Kiri slowly walks towards me and her expression almost looked like she was about to cry

"Naya..," is all she could say

" hi kiri, how are you holding up?"

She formed a sloppy smile with her sad expression, " I should be asking you that."

"It's still good to know."

I see Lo'ak and Neytiri walk in the room, Neytiri holding on to Tuk with her hand.

"Naya. I'm so happy you woke up." Neytiri says as she gently patted my head in comfort

I look up at her, giving her a smile to inform her I'm doing okay. Then my eyes fall on Lo'ak, who has been waiting behind his mother to say something

𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞- 𝐧. 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now