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"Would you like some tea dear?" Athena offered. She thought Lilith looked a little overwhelmed.

"No. I'm more of a coffee person," Lilith muttered. Her belly twisted into knots at the thought of the little coffee shop she left behind in the other world. It had been her home for so many years; she never thought she'd have the heart to abandon it and all the demons in it.

"Well, I'm sure it's not a problem if you help yourself" Athena said.

"I'll make you some." Vincent climbed to his feet and wandered through the kitchen. He had learnt not to question his sanity after knowing about werewolves for so long. One day, he knew he would meet other supernatural beings. Vincent didn't think the day would come so soon.

"It has been three hours, where is Niall?" Zayn sighed, leaning against the worktop next to his mate.

"He was in a lot of pain, just be patient." Liam said quietly, watching Micah and Eloise.

"I need an explanation. How do three people magically appear from another world?"

"Stranger things have happened," Liam whispered under his breath, but Zayn heard.

"Yeah," the werewolf grinned and pulled him close, "Like you getting the body of a God in less than a minute." His eyes looked him up and down, his pupils growing with passion.

Liam's cheeks warmed to a deep shade of red.

"That was pretty strange," he whispered when Hunter leaned in for a kiss, but Liam moved his head when he saw Niall land with Shawn. Zayn's lips skimmed his cheek before pulling away, pouting.

"Why did-" Zayn sighed in relief when he saw the angel smiling in their direction. "Finally. I have so many questions."

Everyone walked over, willing to listen to what the angel had to say.

"I apologise for leaving like I did. I brought Zyaire and Arzhel with me so Zyaire could say goodbye to his parents." Niall glanced at Eloise and Micah. "But it was too painful to stay for long. Now, I have recovered, and I am here to explain. Recently in our world, which is the vampire and human world, Arzhel and Zyaire came to us through a tear in the fabric of the universe. This tear, I assume was made by an instrument that the demon's created in the last two wars. The tear was closed-"

"By me," Lilith interrupted. "It was too small for anyone to pass through it, but Zyaire and Arzhel managed it to escape Lucifer. We know that they are the angel and demon couple who are required for war. Your world needs them for a reason."

"Liam," Zayn said, "described the tear as like a black hole. Is that what it is?"

Everyone turned to the God with frowns.

"We see it as a wave of warm air. It's invisible to the human eye and almost impossible to see with ours. Explain exactly how you saw it Aiolos," Niall smiled with encouragement.

"Um, it was black and flickering like it was going to explode. I knew it had to be dangerous. What would have happened if I didn't close it?" Liam's voice sounded small.

"Heaven would fall" Micah said and stepped closer out of curiosity. "How did you manage to close it? And why do you see it differently?"

Niall rested a hand on the teen's shoulder, knowing he would say it with more pride, and the guests needed to know just how influential he was.

"Liam here whose real name is Aiolos is the keeper of lightning and the God of wolves." Liam's entire body pounded with embarrassment. He hated nothing more than being the centre of attention.

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