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Everyone had just sat down for dinner when Liam turned to Zayn, telling him that Phoenix was close. He could smell him, along with two other scents he didn't recognise.

"He's with people?" Ares asked, peeking through the blinds in the kitchen, seeing nobody until Liam pointed them out.

"I sense a demon," Lilith said. Micah and Eloise agreed, but Athena stopped them before they could stand.

"His parent," she said. "It must be. I can't be wrong about this."

"I'm sure you're right" Vincent agreed and turned to Zayn. "Your opinion matters to Phoenix. You should be the one to talk to him."

Zayn stood, regretting leaving his food, but a member of his pack needed his attention.

"Are you coming?" he asked Liam, who hesitated, but stood too and followed him to the back door.

Nobody panicked when the boys left because Liam was stronger than most and he has shown what lengths he will go to to protect Zayn.

Although, that didnt stop them from peeking through the blinds to watch.

A strong smell of roses was pulled through the warm summers air as Phoenix and his parents crouched by the fence at the bottom of the garden.

The boys approached, carefully and calmly.

"Phoenix, what are you doing here?" Zayn asked, stopping when the man and woman next to him looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Um, well, I- " Phoenix stuttered and his
mother put a protective arm around him.

"I think you know why we're here," she said.

Zayn crossed his arms, not taking his gaze off the Gamma wolf.

"I want you to tell me the truth. I'm your Alpha, and you shouldn't keep secrets from me, no matter how big they might feel. We need to trust each other Phoenix."

The Gamma wolf's heart almost leapt out of his chest. His throat felt dry, and his hands were sweaty with nerves, but he found the courage to tell his Alpha the truth.

"I'm not just a Gamma wolf." His voice was small.."I'm a hybrid of a demon and a werewolf" He looked at his parents, blinking back his tears.

"I'm a demon," his mother said.

"And I'm a werewolf" said his father, standing proudly with his family.

Zayn allowed some silence to pass before he smiled.

"Nana was right," he mumbled to Liam. "Phoenix, thank you for being honest, and I don't care that you're a hybrid. I think it's cool and useful for me to have you in my pack. What made you try out for my pack if you've spent your life hiding?"

"Not to sound intruding, but we watched your home when my mate sensed demons, and it became obvious to us that you are okay with them being in this world. All we want is peace, and we know Phoenix will finally feel accepted in a pack like yours."

"Your son has excellent fitness, and regardless of whether he is part demon or not, I would have still whether he is part demon or not, I would have still chosen him to be in my pack. It felt right."

Phoenix was grinning from ear to ear at Zayn's words.

"Thank you Alpha, it means so much to us."

"Would you like to meet mine and Liam's family?" Zayn asked, shuffling aside for them to see the peeping eyes through the blinds.

"I knew, in this day and age, generations are much more accepting of change and what is right for every type of person."

Liam knew Phoenix's dad meant to say 'the generations are more accepting of gay werewolves, so why wouldn't they accept his relationship with a demon? Though, he knew he meant no disrespect or negativity. Sometimes, Liam wished people would say it how it is. He's gay and finds male bodies attractive.

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