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ANGELS- Niall, Arzhel, Micah, Castor(an elder angel)

DEMONS- Zyaire, Eloise, Lilith (doesn't have a soulmate)

VAMPIRES- Emmett (Em), Evander, Lyssa

HUMAN- Shawn, Kylo, Cillian

HYBRIDS- Vesper (half-human and half-angel), Alexis (half-human and half-vamp)


1. Niall & Shawn (Parents of Vesper)

2. Zyaire & Arzhel

3. Eloise & Micah

4. Emmet & Kylo (Parents of Alexis)

5. Evander & Lysaa (Parents of Emmett and In-laws of Kylo)

6. Vesper and Alexis

7. Micah and Eloise (Parents of Zyaire)

8. Castor and Cillian (Father of Kylo)

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

"You made the tear?" Liam asked, and the angel nodded.

"We have been working on it for thousands of years. Today it was finally stable enough for us to pass through but we didn't know if we reached the correct world or not. We were looking for you, and I think the instrument knew that" Niall looked down to Shawn who nodded.

The human, holding tightly onto Niall's hand, re-entered the tear to tell the others they found the werewolf world. Then the angel quickly pulled him back, feeling a strain on their bond.

"I hope you don't mind, our family from the vampire world are desperate to meet you all."

Niall and Shawn stepped aside, and the tear began to wobble.

The next person rushed through, glancing around with desperate eyes. He looked to be in his mid-twenties and a younger version of Micah, though Micah didn't have a big scar through his left eye.

Eloise pushed through the people. Those amber eyes, she would recognise them anywhere.

"Zyaire?" she whispered, suddenly feeling frail from her emotions, clouding her thoughts. Her son looked older, wiser, peaceful. A significant difference from the angry demon she last saw all
those years ago.

"Mum?" For Zyaire, time stopped. He saw nobody else around him, only his parents who have been on his mind every single day, wondering if they were okay or if he'd ever get the chance to see his mother's smile or hear her telling him off. He even missed Micah, the father he always wanted but the father he never got, until now.

Eloise ran and collided with the demon, almost knocking him back into the other world, and into his soulmate who jumped out of the way.

"My son!" Eloise cried, gripping him tight and spilling her tears onto his shoulder. His warmth re-lit the dying embers in her heart. Her body ached to feel his presence. She fought a hard battle to keep him safe when danger was all she could see, and it was all worth it for the reunion. "I've missed you more than what I can ever express, my son. Oh Zyaire, my boy! I can't believe you're here!"

Zyaire held her close to his heart and buried his face in her hair. The familiar scent brought back all the memories of her, all the times they spent together, the good and the bad, he didn't care.

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