Chapter Thirteen

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I lay in my bed, under what feels like a pound of blankets. It was strange... I had been kidnapped for almost a week, beaten and bruised, and yet I couldn't get myself to feel anything. I just laid, and laid, in empty silence.
When my parents came to check up on me every hour, I could only muster an "I'm fine." They don't pry, but I know they're worried. I wish I could feel something. Anxiety, depression, anger- something- something is better than nothing at all.
I guess one issue is that I just can't seem to sleep. I toss and I turn for what seems like hours, but I don't fall asleep. I sigh in defeat, and reach for my phone when I hear a tap at my window.
A certain cat has decided to visit again.
I slowly get up, dragging my feet over to my window, and open it, the cold air rushing in.

"Good evening, Madame." Chat Noir said, smiling gently. "How are you holding up?" He climbed inside quietly, closing the window behind him.

I shrugged, hugging my shoulders. "Fine, I guess."

A pained look crossed Chat's features. "You know it's okay to let it out, you went through something extremely traumatic.. no one expects you to stay strong right now, Maybelle." He whispered, stepping forward.

"There's nothing to let out, Chat," I sighed. "I don't.. I don't feel anything."

"I'm here for you." He said as he softly cupped my cheeks, tilting my gaze up to meet his.
He bit his bottom lip, slowly leaning inward.

My brows furrowed, and I shook my head.
"Chat," I mumbled, "I'm with someone.." I placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him back.

He scoffed quietly, taking a few strands of my hair and twirling them around before stepping back, and opening my window. Sitting halfway out, he turned back just enough for me to hear his words. "He doesn't deserve you." He muttered, and with that, he disappeared into the cold night.

I sighed, and sank back into my bed, succumbing to a heavy slumber for the first time in days.

When I wake up, my mother is sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Luka is here, he wants to come up to see you. Is that alright honey?" She asks, patting my calf to keep me somewhat awake.

I nod, and she smiles. "I'll send him up."

Sitting up, I rub my face, dreading looking in the mirror. I may have put on a sweet act for those days I was gone, but Amante was not kind to me. The bruises are an ugly reminder of what I had lived through. I want them to go away so that I can just forget it all, they're the only thing stopping me from doing so. I had stayed home these past few days, waiting for them to fade enough to where they weren't as noticeable.

Luka knocks on my door, and comes in.
I can see his heart break every time he sees me, I know how hard it must be for him, I don't know how I'd be able to stand seeing him like this. Still, he comes and crouches down to my level, resting his forehead on mine.

"Are you going to school today?" He asks, swiping his thumbs over the backs of my hands.

I nod again, and he stands up, taking my hands into his.

"I'll help you get ready then."

Luka helps me in and out of the shower, washing my hair that had begun to mat and tangle. He picked out my outfit, and packed my bag. He even braided my hair away from my face, reassuring me no one would notice the fading marks.
I think back to what Chat Noir said, and I know that he's wrong. I am the one who doesn't deserve Luka.

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