Chapter Fourteen

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"Okay, run this by me one more time?" I pleaded, bandaging up my forehead.

Calii sighed heavily. "I'm a kwami, I give you magical heroic powers. You have to use them for the greater good blah, blah, blah."

I took a good look at the creature. A fully white cat with green/blue heterochromic eyes, pink nose and a fluffy tail.

"Okay..." I said quietly.

"Ugh! Let's just get to the fun part! Say, 'Calii, transform me!" She yapped.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, Calii, transform me." I said blankly.

In a flash of pink, my body was covered from the neck down in a surprisingly breathable skintight white suit. Fluffy white ears sprung from my now white hair, which came together in a long, waist length braid, a belt with pouches materializing at my hips. A soft tail swished, as I looked at my hands, covered with the same spandex suit, with the addition of pink pointed claws. I scrambled to my mirror to find my eyes had taken on her heterochromia.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

'Don't swear under my power!' I could hear Calii snip.

"My bad, uhh, holy... cow." I corrected myself, earning a hum of approval from my new kwami.

'Okay, keep in mind a few things.' Calii said.
'Your weapon is that ball of yarn- yeah, that. It's surprisingly hard when you throw it, but it'll unravel if you need it to. Next, your power! It's called Pounce, and it'll give you the ability to swiftly and accurately pounce on your enemy, pair that with the ball of yarn to immobilize them."

"Cool," I breathed, taking the yarn out of a pouch. I tossed it up in the air a few times before slinging it at the wall, it bounced off, softly landing on my bed.
"Huh, doesn't seem too hard to me at all.." I mumbled.
I grabbed it, and looked around, catching a glimpse of my window.

'Wait-!!' Calii yelped, but it was too late.

I threw the ball of yarn hard, expecting it to maybe thud off of my window, but instead it shattered.

"Wha- HOW?!" I shouted at Calii.

'I said wait! You're new, you can't control your strength yet, or that dumb ball of yarn!' She groaned at me impatiently.

I heard footsteps coming from the hallway, and quickly looked around, sprinting to close the curtains and finding a hiding spot... in the ceiling of my closet.
Moments later, my mom opened my door.

"Maybelle? Honey?" She called out groggily, I had obviously woken her up with the window.

I panicked, "U-Uh, in the bathroom!!" I shouted, cursing myself.

My mom breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, okay, go back to bed you goof.." she murmured, exiting my room with a click of my door.

I breathed out, and hopped down onto the floor with strange silence.

"Why didn't that make any noise?" I asked.

'Cat stuff. You're light on your feet, quiet, you have night vision, uhm... that's.. that's it I think.' Calii said quietly. 'Now, just say 'Calii, detransform me!' And you'll go back to normal.' She said.

"Calii, detransform me," I repeated, and the small cat rested in my hands.

"Great, now, bring me some strawberries, im famished!" She ordered, snapping her little fingers.

I scoffed, plopping her down on the bed. "You're gonna have to ask a little nicer than that, Calii."

"Please, bring me some strawberries, I'm famished?" Calii urged, stretching out on my blankets.

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