Chapter 2

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When he pulls his head away from hers and lets go of her hip and her hair her eyes slowly open to find his.

"I've wanted you to do that forever." She admits bringing her hand up to her mouth.

She feels like it's a dream and rubs her fingers back and forth across her lips, proving to herself that it's real.

"I've wanted to do it forever." He confesses.

He suddenly feels parched and turns his head towards her kitchen.

He sees a bottle of wine on the counter. "Am I interrupting something?" He asks eliciting a chuckle. "Well if you were it's a bit late now huh?" She jokes and he tilts his head and nods a silent " Touché"

"You got any beer?" He asks.

He walks to the kitchen and opens the fridge before she can answer.

"You've got no food in this fridge." He jokes

"I'm never home." She replies making her way to the island and grabbing the cork and wine bottle from the table.

She chucks the cork into the wastebasket next to the counter and fishes in the drawer to find the rubber corkscrews she bought a lifetime ago.

"What do you got there?" He asks turning and twisting a cap off a beer.

"What does it look like?" She cracks and he cocks his head and corners his eyes at her. "Ha ha." He says tilting the brown bottle up to his lips.

She shoves the corkscrew in the wine and puts it back in its place on that dusty shelf.

"Why'd you come here." She asks leaning back against the counter and taking her wine glass in her hand.

"Why'd you stay at the bar so long?" He counters and she takes a sip from her glass, eyes peeling around the edges of it at him.

She sets the glass of wine on the counter and takes a step towards him as he brings his beer up to his mouth. 

"I didn't say you could have this." She says reaching up and taking it from him.

Her voice is more playful than serious but he can tell something is bothering her.

"You want me to leave?" He asks when her eyes fall to his lips.

She's only a foot away from him and he could easily grab her and kiss her again.

"No." Her voice is soft, weak, like she struggled to get it out.

She raises his beer up to her lips and takes a drink and his eyes linger on her.

"I don't want you to leave." She says and he steps closer.

When she feels his body slowly come into contact with hers, his hands reaching up to her hips her eyes close shut.

"I don't want you to you probably should." She says and he swallows hard, it's quiet but they're so close she could almost feel his diaphragm bulge out when he swallowed.

"Goodnight Liv." His voice is soft and frail and he inhales a sharp breath and steps around her.

She sighs in disappointment as he closes the door and leaves without another word.

She rolls her eyes towards the ceiling.

Damn it.

She tosses and turns all night. Doesn't get a single hour of sleep as her body unavoidably fixates on the way it felt when he touched her.

She finds herself licking her lips over and over, hoping that by some miracle she can taste him lingering there if she tries hard enough.

When her alarm goes off her hand quickly flies over to silence it.

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