Chapter 16

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At some point they fell asleep and when she wakes Elliot is sitting across the room near a window looking through the droplets that had accrued on the glass.

She doesn't say anything at first. She just watches him.

His elbow is planted on his knee and his face is resting in his hand.

He looks like the weight of the world rests on his shoulders and his shoulders alone.

She wonders if Kathy is still asleep rooms over or if she had woken up at some point and wondered where Elliot had gone.

Because she knows if she had woken up and he had been gone that's how she would have felt

She would have wondered where her man had gone, and it was then that Olivia realized that sometimes it's more difficult when you see both halves of a coin.

For the first time she truly understood how difficult it had to have been to be in Kathy's shoes.

To have a man like Elliot who is so amazing and sexy and a complete package deal while knowing that there's someone else that wants him, and that same someone else has some piece of his heart for one reason or another.

She still doesn't say anything. She just walks over and his head slowly turns to find her.

"You should rest." He says and she's waving a hand at him, hushing him as his head turns back to the window.

They unhooked her IV bag before Elliot had even come in but the top of her hand still stings where the needle was.

When she gets over to him, she doesn't hesitate. She crawls onto his lap, sitting on his thigh and swinging her legs to rest across both of his legs, feet hanging over the arm of the chair, turned on her side with a hand on his chest.

It raises and meets his face, tracing the line of his jaw.

After a few moments his eyes turn from the window to hers.

"Hey.." She says softly, feeling like he's finally snapping from his haze and giving her his full attention.

He doesn't respond but leans his head against hers and takes long deep breaths.

His arm resting on the arm of the chair gently caresses her back as he tried to get his emotions in check.

"Where's the kids El?" She asks and he smiles slightly when he realizes she must think they forgot about them.

"My mom went and got them from school." He responds and she nods her head.

"Okay." She hums in response stroking her hand through his hair.

When her hand finds its way down his neck, brushing his skin soothingly, he feels a warmth in his groin, even knowing she had meant to warm and soothe his heart.

She can hear his breathing pick up in the silence of the room.

"It's okay" she says softly, dipping her hand in through the neck of his shirt to touch his chest and comfort him.

He suddenly remembers her mouth on his chest, kissing a trail down to his groin and swallows his temptations.

His wifes 2 rooms over laying in a hospital bed, his baby-possible baby-had passed away, there was absolutely 0 reason for anything sexual but his body was still responding that way.

He can feel himself hardening slightly in his pants, her ass settled over his groin causing his erection to bend as it grows. "Liv," he grunts painfully.

"Yeah?" She asks obliviously and doesn't realize what for until he shifts her in his lap so that her ass is resting on one leg and his dick presses into the back of her thigh.

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