005 - You're A Killer

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She figured Newt must have learnt his lesson.

She awoke to small, sharp japs on her face, and moved her hand up sleepily to swipe the intrusion away. Instead, she found the same sharp, cold sensation prickling against her palm.

"Greenie!" Newts voice whisper yelled.

Another jab landed at her cheek. She scowled and forced herself out of the sleep haze. "What are you doing?" Newt smiled sheepishly in the dark and held up something in his hand. Ari blinked. Did a double take. Blinked again. "Is that a stone!"

Newt shushed her with a hard look. His eyes darted around nervously, but there were only a few grumbles, and the sound of someone telling her sleepily to shut up.

"Did you throw a fucking stone at me?"

"It's a pebble," he scoffed. "And I wasn't very interested in getting attacked again."

She had nothing to say, then. Her jaw clenched a few times, looking over his gleaming face in the low light. The sky was only just turning from black to blue, and the stars were still nowhere to be seen, despite the endless lack of clouds. She still wondered why that was.

"What do you want?"

He stood up and brushed his hands off on his pants. "Come on. I'll show you."

She contemplated him for a moment in suspicion. She was not very interested in another lovely fear-stricken morning. "It's not another Griever, is it?"

"No, this is a good surprise, trust me," he laughed quietly.

Sighing she got up and followed him much the same way she'd done the day prior. She moved more steadily this time. The light in the Glade was coming quickly.

Ari walked with the second in command in silence this time. Both groggy from the hard wake-up, and unsure of what to say. One thing was certain – she was not going to ask about his limp again. His limp that he very much still had. And she was pretty sure him and Minho did not fight that hard.

They ended up at a wall again, but another one this time. She eyed it in wonder. The stone was covered in names. Only a few were crossed out, and she had the sense not to ask. Especially when her eyes fell on a specific one.


She didn't even need to ask what it meant, then.

Newt proudly handed over a large stone and a knife, and just as she was about to take it, he drew it back again. "Do I really trust you with this? We know how well you handle sharp objects after yesterday."

She scowled at him and wrenched it from his hands. "It was one time."

"Could very well soon be two," he teased, eyeing her bandaged finger. She stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh, yeah, very mature. I have trust in you now."

She rolled her eyes. "So, I assume I'm supposed to carve my name with this thing?"

He pointed at the wall in front of her. Already before he spoke, she knew it was something dumb that was about to come out of his mouth, simply from his expression. "Yeah, but be careful to place the sharp end on the stone and not towards you, yeah?"

She jabbed her elbow into his arm in retaliation, making him grunt and hold the injured spot.

"I hope it fucking bruises," she said.

"Hey, watch your language." Newt glared. "We use shucking here."

"Oh, you're totally the one who came up with that, aren't you?" She said in disgust.

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