023 - Mother Dearest

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She was breathing, her heart was beating, thudding against the finger pressed to her neck with nauseating speed. A hand clasped her own hanging at her side, strong as it encased it with warmth. She clenched back, so hard it must hurt, but he gave no sign that he minded.

Light flickered overhead, blinding with its suddenness.

Ari couldn't move, wondering if it was over, if they'd reached the end of the test as a long hallway lit up in front of them. She turned around, looking at the faces standing with her, but faltered immediately.

Frypan, Minho, Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Winston and one person she didn't know.

"Where's Jeff?"

Her hand was squeezed again, and she found Thomas' eyes already on her, misty and clouded. She exhaled deeply, mouth downturned. She was so tired of losing people.

"Let's just go," she said, wrenching her hand out of her lifeline, keeping her head high as she walked down the corridor. Her feet ached, her lungs burned. There was a painful stab in her shoulder as it swung at her side, making her wince.

She hesitated when she reached the only door in sight. It took a while before someone joined her, putting a hand on her hurting shoulder. Somehow, she couldn't make herself go through. She had no idea what would be waiting on the other side.

The memories she did have were pretty useless already. But she'd had nothing to do with the actual maze trials, so she had no intel on what the plan actually was, other than overheard conversations and mindless gossip from Thomas.

She wondered if her mom would be waiting on the other side, with a warm hug, or if she'd be angry and give her the cold shoulder for being weak and prioritizing her friend over the world. Maybe even more angry at herself, for letting it happen.

Thomas' thumb rubbed the skin of her neck gently, making her shiver. Something had changed between them in the maze. Somewhere along the memory wipe, she'd let herself see him in a new light. As someone other than the little boy she used to sneak away with, a best friend she simply found comfort in. Before the maze, she'd never had any other friends. Especially not boys. But after the past month, and discovering as close a bond as she had with Newt, she'd also discovered that her bond with Thomas was something else entirely.

She'd never felt as much strength as she did standing next to him. He'd always had the ability to ground her in a way no one else could. She would do anything for him. Sometimes, it ended in stupid decisions, like going into the maze because of his big, sad puppy eyes.

Sometimes, it gave her the strength to open a door.

It creaked as she turned the handle and let it swing wide, but the sound was overpowered by the blare of alarms. Alarms were bad.

Ari straightened instantly, every single hair on her arms standing at attention. Her eyes flickered to Thomas who was still right next to her. He was always next to her.

He went in first. Ever the impulsive, protective idiot he was, Thomas took the lead and every single one of them followed.

A body of a man was limp on the ground. The was blood was everywhere. It was on the floor, leaving a trail of footprints. It was on the walls like splattered paint. It was in her nose, burning through the sterilized air, and she knew now what it reminded her of. It was in a hall very much like this one, that she put a kitchen knife through her father's heart.

The dead did not smell, and the blood was still red. The crime scene was fresh.

She leant down next to a woman in a security uniform. Her face was unfamiliar, blood dripping down her chin as her eyes stared lifelessly. She could see her own expression in the reflection, hollow and dead, like the scientists, big bags painting the skin under her eyes.

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