022 - Good Luck With The Grievers

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She'd never thought that what would stand between her and freedom would be Gally.

As what was supposed to be sundown approached, two baggers came to get her. They were both looking ahead, their faces stern. She wondered if those boys ever showed any emotion. And what made them think they had the right to drag her away?

"I am Arielle fucking Paige!" She screeched. "Get your fucking hands off me you fucking creeps!" She fought against the grip, flailing with her hands and feet. But the motherfuckers simply kept going. At least they were grunting with the effort. A+ to nurse Paige.

Three poles were put up in front of the maze doors, and she understood the purpose immediately. Her mom wouldn't let her die, would she? Was there even anything she could do to stop it?

Thomas and Theresa were dragged behind her. Ari fought with everything she had, hissing like a cat as she slashed after the boys' faces while they tied her to one of the poles. She struggled against the restraints biting into her wrists.

Theresa was going way more quietly that she was, simply following along in defeat. Even though they had a plan, she could at least put up a little bit of a fight, couldn't she?

Thomas was dragged too, his feet sliding against the dirt ground as he hung limp between two boys. She had to give it to him, he was a damn good actor.

"This is such a waste," Gally said, looking at her. She felt a smidge of satisfaction when his gaze turned away almost immediately. A group of boys had gathered, all shifting nervously on their feet. Maybe they weren't so much on his side anyway.

Winston was the only one who dared step forward. "Gally," he said and the boy in question crossed his arms, almost daring him to continue. Winston didn't waver. "It doesn't feel right, man."

She should've spent more time with him. Clearly, he was a smart kid.

Jeff stepped forward too, looking straight at her, his teeth biting into his bottom lip. Her heart gave a lurch. "Yeah, what if Thomas is right? Maybe he can lead us home."

"We are home, okay?" Gally said, walking up to the doubting boys. His voice was annoyingly convincing. He pointed to the grey stone next to them. "I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall."

"The Grievers are gonna come every day, shuck-face," Ari growled at him. She'd never felt so aggressively about anyone before, but Gally was letting his fear rule over rationality, and it frustrated her to no end. She'd always been told she was very timid. How strange, what survival instincts did to people. "What do you think's gonna happen?"

He crossed his arms and turned to her, but still didn't meet her eyes. "I think the Grievers are gonna take what they came here for. I think they're gonna take you, and then they'll leave us alone and everything will go back to the way it was before."

"Idiot!" She yelled, spit flying. "You're a god dammed idiot, Gally! The creators want this shit done, they're not gonna let you stay in here for the rest of your lives!"

"No! No, you shut your mouth," he growled, coming closer to her until he was hovering over her threateningly. "You promised that you weren't here to hurt us but look at what you've done! Look at our Glade." He turned back again to speak to everyone. "This is the only way."

"Are you listening to this?" Theresa broke in, joining the discussion. She twisted in her restraints. "Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy."

"You shut up," he told her.

She ignored him. "If you stay here, the Grievers are gonna come back, and they're keep coming back until you're all dead."

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