016 - You Were Always Kind

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Thomas was walking past her with Minho, a determined look on their faces. They were both equipped with running gear, and she really wanted to slap Minho in that very second. She expected no better from Thomas, but Minho was a Keeper.

She marched up to them, stepping between the boys and their path to the maze doors. "What do you think you're doing?"

Minho stopped ang sighed, crossing his arms. "We're going to check out that Griever."

"You just got out of there, and you've barely recovered. Can't it wait?"

Thomas shook his head. "You know as well as we do how much can change in just a few hours. We have to do this. Now."

"Thomas," she shook her head, clenched her jaw. Every bone in her body had been pulled taut, the tenseness of the last few days wearing on her. She was so achingly tired but couldn't find any peace. There was always stuff happening, and there was never a break. Especially since Thomas arrived. She just wanted to throw herself on the ground and not get up. "I'll come with you then."

"No." Minho's words were spoken with finality, like a parent to a child. And like said child, Ari felt petty. She opened the mouth to speak, but he stopped her. "You've never been out there before. At least I know Thomas can run, and he's smart – not saying you aren't," he corrected hastily, noticing her expression. "But I know I'm not taking a risk bringing him out. Besides, Newt would have my head."

"I don't care about what Newt wants." She crossed her arms. "I want to see that Griever. It's important."

"Why?" Thomas frowned, noting the urgency in her voice. Ari shook her head, but he wasn't letting it go. "From the moment I've got here, I really wanted to be a Runner. I knew I had to, but I don't know why. Tell me why you want to see the Griever."

Ari swallowed thickly, bouncing on her feet.

"Guys we don't have time for this," Minho interrupted. "Let's go."

Thomas looked at her one final time but gave up when he was met with silence. She grabbed his sleeve as he passed, making him stop. She couldn't believe that he'd be so stupid, to go out there again. It would be his second time breaking their most sacred rule. And this time it would not be a last-minute decision. It would be purposeful and calculated.

"Be safe."

"Oh, uh – yeah." The boy looked startled for a minute, but then he grinned and cocked his head, much like a dog. "I will."

"Hey, what about me?" Minho protested, crossing his arms.

"Uh," she stilled for a few seconds, pursing her lips. "Don't get tricked by a Griever again?"

"Forget I asked."


Thomas and Minho did in fact not get tricked by a Griever again, but if she were them, she'd wish that she did.

Newt had looked furious when she told him where he'd gone, and even more so when she revealed that Minho had gone with. He looked even more furious when the two boys returned, calling an immediate gathering.

Her stomach twisted, and she'd found herself sitting in the hall of the homestead, waiting for them to be done like she always did. She'd only ever been in there once when she was getting chosen for a job, but she wondered what it was like for stuff like this. Was it like a justice system, where Thomas had to plead his case to fourteen angry teenagers?

She shivered at the thought.

Her mind was racing with everything they could possibly be saying in there. Thomas had broken one of their most beloved rules to never go into the maze, and he'd done so at night. She feared they'd banish him for it, but Clint once told her that they weren't monsters. She could only hope that it proved to be true, that they'd give him a chance.

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