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Lemon upcoming. Skip the 🍋🍋🍋 if you are uncomfortable with this type of scenes.

He didn't say anything else but he offered his hand for me to hold. I smiled and took it.

We were in front of my room and he stood awkwardly behind me, waiting for me to enter it.

"Good night, Selene." He said softly, turning to leave. I instinctively reached out, my hand tugging the sleeve of his shirt.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I asked, my face burning. I didn't know if I could sleep alone in this castle and he was the only one who brought me comfort and a sense of security.

Again, he only looked at me. He then slowly took my hand and he led me to his room.

He had let me borrow one of his sleeping gowns so I could sleep more comfortably. We took opposite sides of his bed and I realized how we were completely by ourselves in this large castle.

I became more aware of his movements under the moonlight. I turned to my side to look at him, studying him as his eyes closed.

I admired how he looked under the soft moonlight. My mind wandered to the possibilities that could have been if his mother did not suffer such a horrible fate and his father did not descend into madness. Would Adrian and I have ended up married? Already have a family of our own? The questions that always plagued my mind when I wished that the horrible things that happened the past years were nothing but dreadful nightmares.

My hand instinctively reached to the ring I cherished the most. I wore it on my ring finger, a promise that I would only offer my love to him, and him to me.

He must have felt my gaze and his eyes opened. He turned to his side and looked at me intently. I slowly reached out to touch his face, my left hand traced his cheek. He didn't move, he just looked at me intently. After what felt for hours, his hand went over mine, directing my fingertips to his lips. His eyes didn't leave my face as he placed a gentle kiss on my palm.

His finger went over the moonstone ring. "You've kept this." He whispered and I nodded as if in a trance.

"I treasured it." I replied and I realized how close we have gotten. "It was your promise to me."

Something in his eyes flashed and before I knew it, our lips danced in a slow, seductive dance with each other. I felt his fang nip on my lower lip and I surrendered to his desire.

My eyes closed as I let him lead. Alucard was now on top of me, kissing me intensely as his hands weaved through my long hair. My hands returning the favor. He broke the kiss and I stared up at him. We had kissed before, when we were younger. But it didn't go beyond stolen kisses, this time it felt different. The intensity in his golden eyes ignited something in me. I wanted him, needed him.

"Selene." He whispered. "We should stop before we do something you might regret."

"Who told you I would regret it, Adrian?" I whispered back. My hands pulled him to me. "Would you take what's yours, my prince?"

He released a small growl and his lips crashed on mine. He kissed me as if he would go mad if he didn't taste my lips. His hands started to wonder on my pale skin, making their way to my thighs. He always disliked it when I teased him of being a vampire prince when we were younger, and now, it woke something up in him. He slowly pushed up my gown, revealing my bare legs and knickers.

"Adrian." I groaned as I felt his arousal against my stomach.

Third Person POV

Adrian broke the kiss momentarily to admire the female dhampir. He would be lying if he said he had never imagined her under him, writhing in unadulterated pleasure. He had always loved the dhampir and when she was banished while he was wounded badly, he gave up all hope that he would ever see her again. His father had teleported the female dhampir to an unknown foreign land to make sure she would not easily make her way back to Adrian.

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