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Third Person POV

Selene bid her goodbyes to the pair and started her long journey. Selene had decided to head south, hopeful that the distance between her and Adrian would help her clear her mind. She was mad at Adrian but she was angrier at herself.

So far, her journey has been uneventful except for an encounter with a man who tried to touch her when she was asleep under a tree. She sent the man flying before he could touch her.

She was deciding where to head next as she walked through a forest. She  stopped, feeling an unmistakable force.

"Death." Selene muttered. "Who the hell is he trying to trick now?" She turned back. "I can't get a fucking break."

Selene knew she was a couple of miles away from where she ran from. She decided to rest for a while and found a small clearing in the forest. She summoned a fireball to keep herself warm.

"This place..." she thought out loud. "Someone is corrupting this area."

She allowed herself to eat the fruits Sypha had given her. She was about to sleep when she sensed a monster a few miles back. Selene stood up, flying and running between trees, tracing the monster. She knew that whatever or whoever was corrupting the area was responsible for this monster.

She saw the monster and sent her dagger flying towards it. The monster crashed and made an unsettling sound out of pain.

She lifted her hand and the dagger flew back to her. She watched the monster get up and sensed a few more heading towards her.

"Tch." Selene said as her eyes narrowed. "Called up some friends, huh?"

She threw her dagger into the air. Selene summoned several large ice shards, aiming them at the monsters.

"Your shells are quite tough." She said as she saw some monsters survive. She then started to summon several blue flames and she aimed at the monsters. Some managed to dodge but some burned and exploded.

Meanwhile in Danesti:

They heard several explosions coming from the forest.

"What was that?" Greta spoke out as she looked at the direction where the explosion came from.

"Sounds dangerous." Saint Germain commented lightly which made Greta glare at him.

"Whatever caused those explosions hopefully won't head here." Greta commented as she looked at Alucard.

The explosions had interrupted their conversation and Alucard was starting to get curious about the source.

Back to Selene:

She skillfully dodged the monsters' attacks as she rapidly summoned fireballs. She was also making sure she didn't cause a large forest fire. She had killed off almost all the monsters when one ran away from her. She went after the beast and she saw the unmistakable lights of a village. She gritted her teeth and summoned lightning, aiming at the beast that was about to break through the village's wooden fence. The lightning hit the beast, knocking it down and alerted those in the village. She ignored the oncoming people and she took out her dagger and sliced the beast's neck, making sure it was dead.

Greta and her companions watched in awe as they watched a beautiful woman take down the monster with ease, and kill it with her dagger. She looked at Alucard who was frozen in his spot and his eyes were wide.

"Are you alright, Alucard?" Greta asked which made the woman look up at them with wide amethyst eyes.

Greta has never seen such a beautiful woman in her life. She looked like a princess, one that she'd hear from fairytales. If she hadn't seen her take down the beast, she wouldn't believe that she could kill a dangerous monster so easily.

She studied the woman's gaze and saw that she was staring at Alucard with surprise before her eyes narrowed at him. He saw Alucard looking back at the woman, his eyes wide and was that longing?

"You protected our village." Greta said, making the woman look at her and she saw her gaze soften. "As the head village woman, I wish to extend my gratitude to you."

Greta walked to the woman with a smile. "I am Greta. This is our village, Danesti. You are welcome to stay if you wish to."

The woman gave her a soft smile. "It was nothing, Greta. I don't wish to intrude." Greta saw the unmistakable fangs and looked at Alucard who made no move. He must have not found the woman a threat, and she relaxed.

"May I know your name?" Greta asked the woman kindly.

Before she could answer, Alucard spoke up. "Selene..." He said as he started to make his way to her.

Greta looked at Alucard as he walked slowly towards the woman he called Selene. She watched as the woman frowned at him.

"Adrian." Selene replied with a frown. Greta watched with curiosity as Alucard wrapped his arms around her.

The woman pushed Alucard away, glaring at him. "You smell horrible."

Alucard looked down at the woman with a small frown. "Were you responsible for the explosions in the forest?"

"Yes." The woman answered curtly. "There were around  a dozen of them headed here, I hunted them down."

Greta nodded and led Selene to the village. Selene pushed past Alucard who sighed heavily.

'Of course she's still mad at me." He thought to himself as he watched Selene conversing with Greta.

"The nearby villages are also being attacked." Greta informed Selene who nodded.

"I sensed a familiar dark magic in the area and headed here." Selene informed Greta who frowned.

"You're a powerful sorceress." Greta replied. "Can you aid us?"

"I wished to investigate the source of the magic I felt." Selene replied as she watched refugees from other villages being ushered into some cabins. "But I see that you need all the aid you can get."

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