Chapter 10: On The Island

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Clay Pov:

After people started to leave the boat, I realize that I never got  the ninjas names.

Clay: I'm sorry to ask you but what are your guys names and Elements?

Jay: Oh yeah we never got your name either. Well my name is Jay and I am the element of Lighting.

Kai: My name is Kai and I am the element of Fire.

As he show me a little bit of his powers which makes me start to understand what type of tournament this is.

Cole: My name is Cole and I have the element of earth

Lloyd: My name is Lord and I have the power of energy. What your name and elemental power?

Clay: My name is Clay and I don't have an elemental power.

Jay: Wait what? But we saw your hand and eye glow when you got mad at Kai.

Clay: *Chuckles* That my magic. I have magic and as a lately with everything going on its getting harder to control.

Garmadon: Wait you have magic?

Clay: *Nods*

Clouse: Knock Knock get off the boat or unless you have second thoughts about this and want to return to Ninjago.

We all got off the boat after that. Clouse started talking about the tournament and how there glad to see Garmadon again. We all notice the tension between the two.

Jay: Definitely feeling some tension between you two.

Kai: Yeah and how is it we are on an island I've never seen on any map.

Cole: And care to explain how the face in ninjago most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?

Garmadon: Master Chen use to be a friend now he is a traitor and an enemy. During the serpentine wars Chen turned against his own kind and sided with the treacherous snakes.

Clay Mind: Serpentine war huh?

Lloyd: The battle you and uncle Wu fought together in? He was an enemy?

Garmadon: He used deception to divide the elemental masters, we barely defeated the serpentine and in a deal for his surrender, Chen was to never leave this island. Little did we know he'd begin to build his criminal empire from here.

Lloyd: He may have divided our ancestors but he not gonna divide us.

Kai then saw that girl and push everyone away so she got past. I notice how Cole got made and even maybe a little jealous.

Clay Mind: So he does have feeling for Kai. Wonder how deep they are though.

Cole: Dude

Kai: What Jealous?

Clay Mind: Ok something is really going on between those two.

Garmadon just roll his eyes as we all just started to walk again and join in with the rest of the group.

Cole: This is a big island Zane and you friend Jestro could be anywhere. Keep an eye out.

Clay: Oh we will.

That is when Clouse open the doors and we all started walking in.

Jay: So this is the house that noodles built heh always wanted to go to a red carpet event.

Garmadon: Chen lives like a king. Here he totally self-sufficient.

Clay Mind: Great another one

Garmadon: The only way on or off this island is with his permission, which you will have to earn.

Lloyd: You never told me about this place and how do you know so much about this island?

Garmadon: Before Chen was my enemy, he was my sensei.

As he show a Tattoo of a great purple snake on his back.

We all enter the main area and had sit down, waiting for Chen to make his Speech.

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