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The woman walked into her building as people bowed while a girl could be seen running towards her

"Ms.L/N" "kira" she bowed before continuing "I am sorry there was something going on with the printer again" she said while she walked with her boss

"Again? I thought the manager in that floor called the maintenance" she responded "well the maintenance said it was gonna take long for them to get here since their schedule is full"

The woman sighed reach her hand out for her schedule, kira immediately gave it to her. They were now in her floor kira went to her desk.

Y/N pov

I went in my office with my eyes still on my schedule until I sat down as started to tap away while making sure our business is doing well when I started to hear a commotion outside

I was about to call kira from the telephone when she beat me to it "Ms.L/N" there's two guys here looking for you" kiras tone wasn't calm "calm down kira let them in"

"Ms.!? But- sure" I could hear kira letting the guards know to let them in

The door opened to reveal two guys, one with a scarred face and the other with pink hair.

"I am sorry for this sudden appearance but my colleague seems to be very impatient. Name is Kakucho Hitto we are here for a proposal"

I stared at them my gaze falling on the pinklette smoking who looks quite familiar as well as the name kakucho but i shook it off

"And what is this proposal? I don't think this is about business proposal is it?"

Kakucho nodded "we wanted an alliance between our organisation and your-"

"What would the deadly organisation bonten would want from my company?" I cut him off with a cold voice noticing the pinklettes tattoo

"Heh looks like we are very famous" the pinklette joined the conversation

"We've been having troubles on deliveries and assassinations and traitors. We heard your business is the best at deliveries and defenses"

"So in other words your gonna use my company for your criminal activity. No! Have you have no shame" I yelled as I slammed my hand on my table standing up

"let us talk this through a meeting where my boss would be there"

"I don't want anything to do with bonten"

"Huh this bitch thinks she's all that and has a choice eh"

"Sanzu stop it"

My eyes widen finally realising who they were I let out a chuckle

"Never knew Mikey would send out such of his precious executives to get me. You know I am done with all this gangs and yakuza kakucho don't push it"

"Y/n-" "out"

Kakucho sighed as sanzu glared as they left not a minute late kira barged in checking all over my body to see if I was ok

"Don't worry kira I'm fine they didn't do anything go go back to work" she hesitated but nodded and left

When the doors closed my knees gave up as I fell on my chair with a headache stabbed my head while my breathing was heavy

'Why is he reaching out now? Is it really for a business proposal or to kill me?' Thoughts swarmed my mind

I knew this was gonna happen soon but not this soon.

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Changed my mind I don't want y/n to have her own organisation sorry for those who like the idea.

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