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Y/n's POV
I didn't really hate them, I just hated their choices and doings. I tried talking to mikey but it went from talking to arguing and arguing to fighting that was when I left bonten.

You must think I'm stupid right, like who joins a group of criminals and hate them for their crimes? Well I guess that's me. I grew up without anyone but them, seeing them die and break apart depressed me the best choice I could think of is join the group where some of your friends are still together.

Still stupid? Well at first we started with killing and gaining power from that but it wasn't enough to be japan's number one criminal organisation is it? We started selling drugs, prostitution, kidnapping and other shits it made my mental health be unstable seeing all those woman and kids and innocent people get raped and forced to prostitution and i dont care if the person is an adult but kids even get killed it was limit to me.

I was used to blood so what's killing gonna do but those nu uh. I felt stupid,guilty and still depressed I thought being with them is all that matters in the end I'm suffering alot.

I started a company it was hard but I went through it even though I only graduated  high school before shit went down. I still somehow got to rise up again.

And now I feel like I'm back to square square 1.


"We talked mikey more like fight but we made a deal"

"Yeah and you knew I was still gonna kill you anyways so what's the point of bringing it up"

Y/n fell silent she could remember herself desperate to die but now she wants to live.

"come back, that's all I want you to do"

"You can't just make me do what you want, I'm not like you guys I do kill people but that was before, I can't be here I don't want to be here"

"Go on and see your company fall to the ground nd I think that secretary of yours would fit in one of our bars"

I didn't mind my company but kira is important to me I can't let innocent people lose their jobs or worse die.

"Fine but I keep my company and leave kira alone and I'm not staying in here or with any of you nor one of your villas"


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