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"What did she say?" Heard across the silent room "she didn't buy it, she kicked us out too, she still know us" kakucho answered

"She changed, I didn't even recognised her" the pinklette remarked


Y/N's pov

It was dark, it was the time where stores close and people are home well not all.

*knock* "come in" kira went in with her bag about to go home "Ms.L/N I'm heading home first please don't overwork yourself and go home as well"

"Don't worry about me worry about me worry more about yourself there's no taxi this late, take my driver" i replied

"Ms.L/N! I can take care of myself plus what about you?"

"I have another car in the parking lot I can drive on my own so go" "but-" "go" "fine, get home too and safely" kira said before leaving i chuckled saying goodbye.

I sighed and continued working and working until I finally glanced at the time seeing its 2:56 am and decided it was time to go home.

Once I was outside the building walking in the parking lot with keys in hand trying to find my car.

I saw my car and started walking towards it when I suddenly hear footsteps behind I looked back only to be tackled and cloth covering my head I tried to scream but I felt them inject me and everything went dark.


Very short ■ - ■

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