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I stared into the ceiling, the ceiling I see before my eyes close and when my eyes open.

How could I be so stupid? And pathetic.
I knew I'd die but I lived it up till then, hoping I'm free, but I was wrong he still has he's collar on me. I'm chained how hilarious for me to think I was as free as a bird.

It's back the feeling of heavyweight in my chest, shivers crawling up my spine, the voices and nightmares, I can't get a blink of sleep. I used to be so strong and brave but now I'm just a fallen crow caged.


"Yes!? I'm sorry kira I zoned out do you need anything?"

"I just came to tell you you have a call from shitewa I don't recognised him should transfer it to your phone?"

"Yes it's probably the worker from that company"

"K, are you alright you've been drained and I dunno opposite of how you usually are"

"Don't worry about me I'm fine just work"

"Well tell me if you want a rest ill clear your schedule" she replied leaving my office


I took up the phone and waited for the transfer hearing it "ceo of c/n you must be the manager of the project I requested?"


Showers crawled up my spine, I know this voice "...Haitani"

"..come to this location at 11pm with no one else boss wants you, you never know maybe we want you too" before I could ask why he hanged up

I let out a frustrated sigh letting my head fall onto my desk.


I arrived at the location it creeped me out its an abandoned warehouse in the middle of the edge of the woods.

I saw guards outside they let me through I walked around and saw only one path that has guards, personal guards.

They made way for me and opened the door a sickening metallic smell hit my nose making me nervous.

It was a stair heading down, the more steps I take the more the smell get stronger.

I got down and looked to see blood almost everywhere, dead bodies and materials, I looked over to the couch and saw all the members including their boss staring at me.

Sanzu was grinning he was on drugs,I thought it'd be a secret club or drug hide out but nah. Mikey pat the space next to him.

"Come watch the show"

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