Chapter 7: The Game Begins

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Cammie's P.O.V.

"Just let me get my book report and, oh! My request for advancement in English literary. Where are my keys? There they are! Ok. I think I have everything. Oh wait, my phone." Mary mumbled as she walked around the room.

This was her usual morning routine. Never being able to find things she put in certain spots the night before and then the next day she's running around like a headless chicken trying to remember where she put everything.

"Ok. Now I'm ready."

I shook my head. "What else?" Mary sighed defeated.

"Your glasses."

"Oh right." And once again she went running off to find her missing item.

"I'll go wake up Jake!" I yelled at her.

Jake is the complete opposite. While Mary is a very intelligent yet an unorganized person, Jake is a poor student who's room is as clean as the Blackthorne boys.

"Jake are you rea-, mmm. What smells so good." As I walked into the living room I was hit with the sweetest smell I ever smelt dragging me into the kitchen.

"Good morning Cammie. It's a family recepie from my great great great grandmother. It's called angel mountain, a secret recipe. Would you like some?" Eddie said by the stove next to Milo.

"No thanks, I already ate. But if Milo's making some another day warn me ahead of time."

Eddie chuckled and winked at me. Just then Jake decide to come up to me in nothing but boxers. "Jake! Uh, aren't you ready yet?" I asked trying to look anywhere but him.

"Didn't Eddie tell you? He invited me to go to a polo game with him."

"So your skipping school?"

He nodded. I didn't try to fight it. From past experiences I always lose.

"Ok I'm ready to go. Yum! It smells so delicious! What is it?"

"Angel mountain. Royal family recipe." I responded when Mary came in.

"Would you like some Mary." Eddie asked handing her a plate.

"I'll take it to go." She said grabbing the plate and eating a bite. "C'mon. We're gonna be late. Ooo this is good."

"K." I said following Mary out the door.

"I'll walk you two out." Said Eddie catching up.

As we walked I wondered why no one was stampeding us. When Eddie and I came back from Mary Lou's, tons of girls from the Uni came and started attacking us and Eddie wasn't able to rid himself for thirty minutes. It kind of made me happy that no one was around. I'm not comfortable around big crowds, it's harder not to be noticed. I mean, they don't call me chameleon for nothing.

Unfortunately I spoke to soon.

"Edward! Edward! How is it going?" A tall brunette said.

"Are you enjoying your stay here?" Another said. "Is the Uni treating you good?"

"As long as your new here don't hang around the loser crowd. Come with us." A high pitched voice said.

I recognized the voice right away. Hannah Richmond. Also known as the wicked witch of Washington. Unless your rich or famous she'll treat you like Cinderella and not in a good way.

As well as being a witch Hannah is also my mortal enemy so I quietly said god bye to Mary and walked away.

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