Chapter 10: One Big Happy Family?

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Cammie's P.O.V.

"Higher daddy! Higher!" I yelled at the man carrying me through the clouds.

"No, princess, this is as far as we can go. Mom's rules."

"Aww. But this isn't high enough. I can still see Uncle Henry's ugly face." I replied looking down to where mom and Uncle Henry were setting our picnic.

"I heard that Wispy!" yelled up my uncle. "I'm gonna get you back for that!"

"Oops." I said laughing. I could feel my father laughing by the way his chest rumbles.

"Maybe we should go higher, Princess." He said as we flew up almost touching the sky. I loved the feeling of the wind tickling your face and neck. I loved how calm it way up here. Where only hawks and eagles roamed.

"When do you think I'll get my powers daddy?"

"Oh, not for a while Princess. You're still too young. But don't worry, they will come at the moment you are in most despair."

"When will that be?" I asked looking longingly at a hawk playing in the clouds. "I'm tired of waiting."

"Lunch! Come down children! Lunch time!" yelled my mother. I laughed when I saw daddy's face at what mom said.

"We better go." We flew down as fast as lighting and landed swiftly on the ground. "I'm not a child Rachel." My dad said putting me down to play with some bunnies.

"Then why do you act like one Matthew?" my mom challenged in a sing-songy voice. They laughed and kissed.

"Ewww! Mom, not when I'm gonna eat!" I yelled coving my eyes.

"Yeah!" agreed Uncle Henry already chewing on a sandwich. "There are young people present."

"Oh alright. Let's eat." Daddy said sitting down. "Don't eat all the sandwiches again this time, Henry."

"Hey! You ate most of them last time, not me!" yelled uncle Henry jumping on my dad and soon a playful fight started between them. I saw my mom roll her eyes and daintily open a sandwich. We were all having such a good time until one of the palace guards came to ruin it.

"Your highness! May I have a word with you please?' he yelled.

"Can't it wait? I would very much enjoy beating this brother of mine to a pulp." Chuckled my dad.

"No, your highness, I'm afraid it can't. it's quite urgent. Something has happened with the prisoner. He's coming!"

I didn't understand why my family went pale at the remark. I didn't understand why my father was rushing my mother and I to the pond. I didn't understand what Uncle Henry was doing to a portal. And mostly, I didn't understand why so many people were coming at us quickly.

"Rachel!" yelled my father. "Take Cammie and go to the mortal realm!"

"No, I won't leave you!" mom yelled back.

"Please, it's our only chance! I'm right behind you! Go!" he yelled. Mom picked me up and she started running to the portal. I saw daddy running after us with Uncle Henry but out of nowhere people started jumping on them. They were fighting. I saw red spots in the clear water and started to panic.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" I yelled trying to get out of my mom's grasp, but she only held on tighter.

"Don't look darling, it'll be okay."

"Cammie! Cammie!" yelled my dad. I couldn't see anything with my mom's hand covering my eyes. I just listened. "Cammie! Cammie!"

"Cammie! Cammie! Cammie wake up!" yelled the person shaking me. Slowly I came out of my dream and back to reality. I also noticed it was Eddie who woke me up.

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