Chapter 8: Actions with Consequences

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Roses P.O.V.

No sooner did I knock on the door did I know that something was definitely wrong. Sydney's pale face told me she knew exactly what was happening.

"Can I come in?" I asked walking in anyways, not waiting for an answer.

"I didn't say yes."

"Too bad." I went to her library and searched for anything that could help me. "I need your help. Do you have any books on undead demons or vampires?"

Sydney shook her head. "Not with me but maybe my parents have some at their house."

"Do you think you could get them for me?"

She nodded. Standing there I realized I could have just called and asked over the phone. I couldn't come up with any other reason to stay so I thought about leaving but I looked at Sydney's face again and I knew I couldn't. She looked like she had something to tell me but couldn't get it out. I waited a couple more seconds before concluding that if Sydney wanted to say something she would of already said it and I was just wasting my time.

I was about to step out the door when I heard her talk, barely above a whisper.

"He escaped didn't he."

I nodded. I should have thought about her feelings in this too. Rit did some serious damage to her, phisically and mentally.

He hurt all of us.

"How did you find out." I asked.

"It's all over the news. Why didn't you tell me Rit was murdering innocent people again."

       "What? I don't know anything about that."

       Sydney gestured me over to the television. "There are more and more people with unexplained deaths around the U.S. and the count is rapidly increasing."

       The news came on showing an interview with Prince Edward.

       "I don't know what happened. I turned around one second and bam! I was shot at."

       "Did you see anything else your highness?" Asked the reporter.

       "No. Nothing at all. Only the shadows everyone else saw."

       "Thank you. We will inform you all when something else pops up and if there are anymore murders."

       "How did he get that far that fast?" I asked.

       "Vampire speed. Can take you anywhere anytime. Even if he isn't a full vampire." She looked at me closely. "Now don't you go thinking up a plan. Rash actions have bad consequences. Especially yours."

       Because of that little comment I decided it was best to ignore her. "I'm going to need you to bring those books to Washington D.C. as soon as you can." I said running out the door.

       "Washington D.C.? What do you think you are going to do there!"

       "Catch myself an unknown demon."




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