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TOH has recently become one of my new favorite shows of all time.  I already stated it in my description, but I'll say it again.  This show is just excellent at writing.  I enjoyed pretty much every second of this show from start to finish.  Even rewatching the show or looking at the fan's comics it still holds up.  And I commend Dana Terrace and her team for all their hard work even with Disney being a bitch.  Because I genuinely believe even with the shortened final season, they STILL kicked ass!  Dana, whatever you create next, expect me to be there to check it out.

So, why am I doing this?  Well, like most fans of this show, we all agree it's absolute BS that Disney canceled this show.  Why?  For being gay.  And also because it didn't exactly fit the Disney brand. Even if you ignore the cute gayness of TOH, and the fact this show is more for young adults/teens, this show is still badass in almost every right.  And yet, Disney took it away.  So after brainstorming for a bit, I've decided to do something I told myself not to do but said screw it.  Let's do it anyway.  I'm about to share with you my version of SS3 of TOH.  Showing you what I think would have made SS3 better than it already is.  Using the best parts of the Canon SS3 with updated features for some scenes, as well as personal ideas I came up with to spice it up a notch.  So you can see it as rewrite, an updated version, a fanfic, or anything like that.  All I wish to do is thank this show by doing it justice.  Giving its fans a full-length SS3 they can enjoy and love.

Now those who are familiar with my MLB work know I post the whole story at once, or in separate parts due to how long it is.  This time around, that's not the case.  For TOH, I'll be posting each story every week on Friday. And you'll see why later on. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the happy ending we all deserve.

The Owl House Season 3: The Happy Ending We All DeserveWhere stories live. Discover now