Even the Odds

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We are back at Hexside, where the squad is still trapped.  On their home turf, sure, but this isn't home to them anymore.  The entire gang is all in the cafeteria, newly named, Hexside Market.  As to be expected, it's a mess.  Kids throwing food, raving for goods.  It's a freakshow.  "So, we failed once.  Got a strike.  It's ok.  It's just one."  Camilla said.  "Exactly.  We have three more chances until we get the detention pit, which won't happen by the way."  Amity replied.  "Yeah, but I messed it all up.  As always."  Luz said.  "Don't say that.  We should have stopped asking too many questions during a mission."  Amity replied.  "But I yelled at you all and got the strike.  Thanks to me, we are still here."  Luz said.  "Doesn't mean you have to be ashamed.  We still have three extra shots left to fire.  There's no need to be upset."  Amity replied cheering Luz up.  Luz is still upset.  "Maybe, if I rub my cheek against yours, you'll feel better,"  Amity said.  "I could use a cheek rub,"  Luz replied trying to be happy.  Amity sits next to Luz, hugs her, and rubs her cheek on hers.  It makes Luz smile, and calm down.  It makes Camilla smile as well.  But that's when a fairy pie lands in front of her.  "Oh cool.  Free pie."  Camilla said.  "Wait!  That's..."  Luz yelled before the fairy pie screamed.  It makes Camilla scream, and fall back.  "Fairy pie,"  Luz said.  "[gets up].  Fairy what?"  Camilla asked.  "Fairy pie.  A fairy... in a pie.  Fairy pie."  Gus replied.  Camilla looks and sees the fairy tormented.  "[gulps].  Looks yummy, but I'll pass."  Camilla said uncomfortable.  Once again Luz said.  Suddenly, Viney barges in.  "The Head is coming!  The Head is coming!"  Viney yelled.  The students all stand up, and bow.  "What the?"  Willow asked.  That's when Boscha, and Kikimora both walk in.  Looking like bad girls as they pass their underlings.  Sorry, team.  Boscha walks right up to Luz's table.  "Not bowing huh?  After I gave you a home, a bedroom, and food, none of you appreciate my efforts?"  Boscha asked.  "We would be grateful... if your Head wasn't a psycho!"  Amity yelled.  "Better watch your tongue, Blight!  I'm in charge here.  Tell them Kiwi."  Boscha ordered.  "[growls].  She's right.  She's The Head, therefore, she's the boss."  Kikimora replied.  "We will get out of here, Boscha,"  Amity said.  "Go ahead.  We'll make sure you end up back here. With me." Boscha replied. She sticks her tongue out and walks away. Heading right to the end of the room. "Citizens of Hexside! I am proud to report it has been Day one hundred and eight of me being your loyal leader. From these 108 days, I kept all of you safe, as well as newcomers. Admit it. I slay." Boscha said stroking her ego. "She's been doing him for 108 days?" Luz asked. "That's not the worst part. She does this every day. I know. It's painful." Viney replied. "Hope you all feel happy here, and that nothing needs to change with me here. That is all. Kiwi, take me back to my throne room." Boscha ordered. "As you wish," Kikimora replied. They leave. Boscha gives an evil look to Amity. It makes her growl. Boscha leaves. Having all her peasants under her control.

    As Kikimore closes the door, a new door opens at Collector's lair. He's with Raine, unknown he's possessed by Belos. "So this is the library. From history to the past, to magic, to demons. All of it is here." Collector said. "Impressive. Staying well educated all by yourself." Belos replied. "Oh, I never come here. This is the one room I purposely avoid." Collector said. "Gotcha. So, what other features do the Archives hold?" Belos asked. "Well, I have this button right here to activate a force field. In case someone were to escape, they can't. Not even my powers can break that force field." Collector replied. "Why make it against your own?" Belos asked. "In case I sleep float, and I end up falling. The force field catches me. Besides, when will I ever need to leave anywhere without this?" Collector asked back. "Keeping yourself safe. Love it. What else?" Belos asked back. "Oh, the Archives are very fragile. One massive blow to a wall will shake the entire thing. Too many, this playhouse it done for. Teaches people not to let their rage out in my house. If you do so, you are close to getting us all the K-word. But, no one has done that." Collector replied. "Gotcha. And about your puppets, you have full control over them?" Belos asked. "Yep," Collector replied. "I think that's good, yet risky for you," Belos said. "Why?" Collector asked. "Remember the dodgeball game? How you torch your leg? What if that happened again, but the game keeps going? You said it yourself. You can't focus on using your powers when in pain. If that happened with puppets playing, you could get seriously hurt. Or worse. You could D-word." Belos replied. "That could happen?" Collector asked a little scared. "Depending on the game, yes. Here's my suggestion. Create a whole new remote. Whoever holds it, and turns it on, will have full control over the puppets. As well as be able to turn people into puppets like yourself. When you play your games and get hurt again, that person can control the puppets, and make them stop. Meaning you won't need to worry about getting extremely hurt." Belos replied. "I mean, that does sound reasonable. Yet a bit suspicious. Why do you want a remote to have all control over my puppets?" Collector asked. "It's not for me silly. It's for King. He's your best friend. He trusts you. Let him have it, and you'll be good." Belos replied. "Still. Sounds too risky. Even for me." Collector said. "Then how about I prove my loyalty again? I pinky swear if you make this remote, I will... make you pizza bagels for the rest of my service." Belos replied. "[gasped]. Did you say... PIZZA BAGELS?!" Collector asked excitedly. "I did. But you could also reject the deal. If it sounds too risky, I understand. Just trying to help, and offer you your favorite snack in return." Belos replied. "Oh forget that! You got a deal!" Collector yelled. The two of them pinky swear. "Okie dokie. One remote coming up!" Collector said. He snaps his fingers, and a new remote is made. "There. A remote to control all puppets. Done." Collector said. "Put them in a safe spot in your room. You can surprise King when the time is right." Belos replied. "What do you mean?" Collector asked. "Have you forgotten Luz? She could convince King to use that remote against you. That manipulative monster." Belos replied. "So what's the point of the remote then?" Collector asked. Umm, [thinks] it's for... after you attack Hexside. Once all of them are captured, give King the remote. No more witches, no more problems." Belos replied. "Oh. Okay." Collector said. "Phew. Now, tell me more about the Archives. I want to be sure I know every detail to help you win." Belos replied.

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