Not Safe Nor Trusted

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We begin with Luz waking up after being knocked out. She rises from the ground finding herself not outside. Rather, inside somewhere. "Where am I?' Luz asked. "Where are we is the real question," Vee replied. Luz turns and finds the others. All of them are perfectly fine. "Guys! Oh, thank goodness!" Luz said relieved. She then looks at the other's wounds, before noticing no bandages on them. Same on Luz' arm and ribs. Their wounds seem to have vanished out of nowhere. "What happened to our bandages?" Luz asked. "You can thank me for that." Figure replied. That's when the door to the room they are in opens up. Three figures walk in. The same ones who attacked them. "You guys!" Luz yelled. She immediately creates an icicle, and throws it at the middle figure's feet.  Sending the figure to the ground.  Luz screams, as she charges to take out the rest. "Wait, Luz! It's me!" Viney yelled taking her disguise off. "[stops running].  What the? Viney? [the others take their disguise off]. Skara? Matthew?" Luz asked shocked. "Long time no see, human. As well as... Gustavo." Matthew replied disgusted. "And I thought we were becoming friends," Gus said. "Don't go that far, dude," Matthew replied. "Just to clarify. We didn't kidnap you. We saved you." Skara said. "Even if we knocked you out, dragged your bodies here against your will, and look like complete psychos," Viney replied. "Blame the Head! It was her idea." Skara said. "Blame who? Never mind for now. Where are we?" Luz asked. "The one place you haven't been to in ages. Hexside." Skara replied. Luz, hearing that place, gasped. It then cuts from the room she is in, to the outside. Revealing they are at Hexside itself.

    Back at the Archives, we continue where For The Future ended. Belos successfully controls a puppet. "With this puppet body, my chances of getting Collector have increased. And as a Covenant Head? Easier than I expected." Belos said. He goes to leave, but soon stops when he hears someone coming. He immediately stands back still. There, he sees King looking around the corner. Once clear, he walks his way to the Covenant Head puppets. Belos keeps his cool. King walks past him. Just like that. Belos waits a few more seconds to make sure it's all good. "Phew. [turns around]. Guess the dog has a secret of his own. Could come in handy soon enough. After I take out the other person on my revenge list." Belos said. He leaves inside Raine's body. The detector not going off since he is a puppet after all.  He walks among the hallways of Collector's base.  Seeing all the photos on the walls, and colorful hallways.  "You took my power.  My control.  You and Luz took everything from me.  But my pain all paid off to know you are done for, Collector."  Belos said.  He then comes across the archives itself.  He opened the door, then gasped.  There, he sees the countless other puppets Collector has on display.  All of them just hanging around.  "[closes the door].  Then again, you did successfully trap most of the Isles in one place.  Makes my job easier."  Belos said.  He presses onward.  Eventually, he finds Collector's room, where the little guy is sleeping calmly.  He even goes a little snooze through his nose.  Belos floats right to his bedside.  Grinning knowing he has the kid exactly where he needs him.  He puts out his hand and unleashes his goo to get Collector.  Before it can even touch him, Collector wakes up and uses his powers to trap Belos in a blanket.  "Rai Rai?  What are you doing here?  You can't move on your own."  Collector asked.  Belos doesn't answer.  "Answer me!  How did you break your spell?"  Collector ordered.  "Relax, Collector.  The spell is not broken.  [moves hair up].  See.  I'm still a loyal puppet to a little guy like you."  Belos replied.  "Doesn't explain how you moved by yourself."  Collector said getting suspicious.  "Which is why I'll kindly tell you.  The power of your... kindness brought me to life.  You took such excellent care of not just the Covenant Heads, but us as well, that I came to life to tell you something you need to know."  Belos replied.  "What is it?"  Collector asked.  "You are in grave danger, Collector,"  Belos replied.  Collector gasped.

We return to Hexside again where Skara, Viney, and Matthew take the squad.  As they walk, they see the chaos this school has become.  Papers everywhere, graffiti on lockers, kids just making it more of a mess, active war, and a flaming ball nearly takes off Amity's head.  "Titan!  Why do people want to set me on fire?"  Amity asked.  "Because you're hot."  Luz flirted.  Amity blushes, and giggles a bit making Camilla smile.  "So this is the school you attended Luz?"  Camilla asked.  "Yep.  Hexside itself.  Didn't leave the best first impression though.  I got banned."  Luz replied.  "For what?"  Camilla asked.  "For pretending to be an abomination that I shook, and tried to slice open.  [Camilla gets scared].  I know, I was totally different back then."  Amity replied.  Luz gets upset again seeing her Mom get scared.  "I mean, the school looks nice I guess.  Nothing too crazy here."  Camilla said.  That's when a locker hisses at her, and she screams falling to the ground.  "Take that back.  It's totally crazy here."  Camilla said.  "Anyway, where have you guys been for the last few months?"  Skara asked.  "In the human realm.  We managed to get away, but came back to help stop Collector."  Luz replied.  "Good luck with that.  That kid has been causing mayhem with your King guy.  But he doesn't know we are here, so we're fine."  Skara said.  "Ok, nerds.  Welcome to the monument for the legendary Principal Bump.  The best principal of all time.  The man who risked even his own boomer life... to save us."  Matthew replied.  He, Skara, and Viney salute the statue.  Which is Bump skateboarding, and trying to look hip.  "Nice to see you kids giving teachers the respect they deserve.  At least, that's what I think this means."  Camilla said.  "It's respect."  Skara replied.  "Holy Titan!  MITTENS!"  Emira yelled.  Amity turns around to have Emira hug her.  "Sis!"  Amity yelled hugging her back.  Both of them embrace some sibling love.  "Aww."  Vee said.  "I'm so glad you're ok!  And Luz!  Glad to see you again.  And... a bigger Luz?"  Emira asked.  "Camilla.  I'm her Mother."  Camilla replied.  "Nice to meet you."  Emira said.  "Wait, where is..."  Amity asked before getting interrupted.  "MITTENS!!!"  Edric yelled.  "Oh.  My.  Titan!"  Amity yelled back.  She sees her older brother walking with a full body cast right to Amity.  "I've missed you so much!"  Edric yelled.  "More importantly, what happened to you?"  Amity asked.  "Long story short, he fell down a well.  That's it."  Emira replied.  "Don't bring that up now.  I need to hug my sister."  Edric said.  "Edric, don't."  Emira replied.  "I don't care if I need to get this back on for the seventh time.  I need to hug my sister!"  Edric declared.  Screaming in pain, he breaks free from his cats, and his Amity.  "Got to commit to the pain just to hug me.  So, if you're fine, where's Dad?"  Amity asked.  Emira and Edric go quiet.  "Guys?"  Amity asked getting worried.  "How do we say this?  He got captured by Collector."  Emira and Edric replied.  Amity gasped.  "And Mom?  She is getting divorced.  She chooses to work for the kid to save herself."  Emira said.  "She what?!  Ok, Luz.  Remind me to break my Mother's limbs when I see her again."  Amity threatened.  "A little too far, but I got you batata."  Luz said.  "What about ours?  Are they safe?"  Willow asked about panic.  "Oh yeah.  Pretty much all the parents got the puppet treatment."  Edric replied.  "Could have said it calmer."  Emira said.  This makes both Willow and Gus sad.  Almost about to cry even.  "But, that's why we are here!  To save them.  But we need to stay strong, and tough to do that right guys?"  Camilla asks cheering up the mood.  "She's right.  Look on the bright side.  We are all together, and safe now."  Vee replied.  Willow and Gus are still upset.  Hunter, who is very close to both of them, doesn't say a word.  He stays silent, and away from the others.  Still affected by the Belos possession.  "Guys.  Look at me.  We can discuss this later.  Take a deep breath, and ease your emotions."  Luz said.  "We'll try."  Willow replied getting a bit better.  That's when the loudspeaker goes off.  "Oh great.  The Head."  Matthew said.  "Attention!  Attention!  Would Captain Holomule report to the council immediately?  As in, now!"  The Head ordered.  "Wait? Are you saying that Mattholomule been your last name this whole time?"  Gus asked shocked.  "Surprise."  Matthew replied.

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