The Turning Tide

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Continuing off what you all will consider as, what the fuck MG, we get another first-person POV.  The POV slowly opens their eyes.  It hesitates, but soon enough, the eyes of the POV fully open.  The POV ends when we see the person slowly get up.  It's one, Luz Noceda.  Hat off but still breathing.  As she rubs her eyes, she looks forward.  Seeing her Mom, who is on the break of tears.  "Mama?"  Luz asked.  Suddenly, Camilla hugs Luz as Amity does the same from next to Luz.  Both of them cry as they hug Luz.  "Ohh Luz!!!"  Camilla cried tears of joy.  "Ow!  Ow!  OW!!!  YOU ARE CRUSHING MY BONES!!!"  Luz yelled.  "Oh, shot.  Sorry!"  Camilla yelled letting go.  Luz lies back down.  "We've been so worried about you!  We got scared when you weren't waking up!  And, and."  Amity panicked.  "Amity.  Amity!  [Amity calms down].  You can stop. I'm awake.  Ahh!  But still in so much pain.  Ahh!!!  [looks at her surroundings].  We're... back at The Owl House?"  Luz asked.  They are back at the place where it all began.  Luz sitting in Eda's nest with light glyphs floating above her.  "Of course!  After you passed out in front of us, we immediately came to the last place we had left.  Amity waited hours for you to wake up."  Hunter said.  Behind Luz are Hunter, Willow, Gus, and Vee.  "I was out for that long?"  Luz asked who then screamed in pain.  Amity gets scared.  "It's amazing how you were able to survive.  Whatever happened almost killed you."  Willow said.  "But on the bright side, none of your bones are broken."  Vee replied.  "Well, that's great.  Ahh!  Doesn't take away how my body feels like it was hit by a semi."  Luz said.  "How can something for your eyes hurt a body that much?  Still sounds like a good scam idea."  Eda replied.  "No.  Semis aren't for eyes [pauses in shock] wait?"  Luz asked.  She looks forward and sees something she truly needs.  Eda walked into the nest, sitting down on her knees, smiling at Luz.  "E... Eda?  [gets emotional].  Wait... is that really... you?"  Luz asked in disbelief.  She raises her arm out towards Eda.  Eda grabs the arm and then rubs it.  It makes Luz gasp as well as shed a tear of shock.  "You are not dreaming kiddo.  [closes eyes as she starts to cry].  I'm right here!"  Eda said crying tears of joy opening her eyes.  Luz begins to cry shocked, but happy tears as well.  Despite Luz's injuries, Eda and Luz hug each other.  Both of them cry as they embrace one another after months apart.  Eda cries more than she ever had before.  So happy that her human kid is back and alive.  "Uhh, are we sure it's ok for them to do another hug?"  Hunter asked.  "[puts a hand on his hand].  She deserves this for how much she went through."  Willow replied.  Hunter blushes a bit, as does Willow.  Vee sees it, and gets further suspicious.  Camilla smiles as she sees Luz smile with all her heart.  Crying down Eda's back seeing her old mentor again. She doesn't care about the injuries right now.  She is so glad to be with Eda.  Amity smiles too seeing her awesome girlfriend in so much joy.  "[slowly stops crying, but tears run down her face].  I can't believe it's actually you.  We were getting so worried about you all.  We started to believe the Titan blood didn't work, but IT WORKED!!! And, I missed you so much, Luz!  [puts Luz down].  Look at you!  You look incredible!  Oh!  And sporting a wicked eyebrow scar."  Eda said still filled with joy.  "I got that from Belos, so not exactly the best memory."  Luz replied.  "It still makes you look cool though."  Eda said.  Luz nods her head agreeing.  Luz looks to her left and sees Eda's right arm.  "[screams in horror].  Missing arm!  Eda Clawthorne the Owl Lady is missing an arm!"  Luz panicked before she screamed in pain.  "Easy, Luz."  Gus replied.  "Oh, the arm.  I know this seems bad, but let's just say, I got the hand with it."  Eda punned.  The others Ugh.  "Hand?  Ohh [laughs].  I get it."  Luz said laughing.  "Finally someone who appreciates my hand puns.  No offense."  Eda replied.  That's when Stringbean flies next to Luz.  Petting her cheek.  "Hey, Stringbean.  I know, you missed me as well.  But it's ok.  I'm still here."  Luz said.  Stringbean hisses with joy.  "Stringbean?  This must be the name of your palisman?"  Eda asked.  "Yep.  Stringbean the snake shifter.  Stringbean, meet Eda, the almighty Owl Lady."  Luz replied.  Stringbean flies to Eda, who smiles seeing Luz's palisman is born.  Owlbert hoots at Stringbean, happy to see a new member of the family.  Stringbean hisses with joy.  "Aww.  Ok, I need to hug you again.  [hugs Luz].  I'm so proud of you kiddo."  Eda said with more joy.  Luz hugs back as well.  "We sure it's safe to do another hug?"  Hunter asked.  "I can handle a hug.  As long as you don't, ah, squeeze too hard!"  Luz screamed in pain.  "Ohh, sorry."  Eda said letting go.  "Maybe no more hugs.  You had too many."  Gus replied.  "Gustavo Porter!  There is no such thing as too many hugs!"  Luz threatened.  Gus gulps in fear.  "Alright.  I know I'm interrupting a heartfelt reunion between mentor and student, but I just need to ask.  [clears throat].  WHAT THE TITAN HAPPENED TO YOU LUZ?!?!"  Amity screamed.  "I'll gladly answer.  Stringbean and I escaped Collector after all of you got captured.  Hang on, how did you all escape?"  Luz asked.  "The glyphs can break Collector's magic."  Eda replied.  "Thank you for teaching me magic Eda.  [Eda smiles].  Anyway, Stringbean and I went on an epic duo mission.  [Stringbean hisses, and high-fives Luz].  We managed to get to the Archives, but something went terribly wrong.  [in flashback, we relive events from Broken Promises].  Collector wanted to kill me.  I don't know why, but he said I was a selfish manipulator who was using King.  [Luz screams as Collector beats her].  I tried to talk to him, but he kept calling me evil.  He even said I was the same as Belos, which come on.  Enough with this boulderdash.  [sends Luz flying into the pillar].  After he sent me into a pillar, [through her POV] the last thing I saw was King.  But then I passed out again.  When I woke up, I found myself falling out of the sky.  [Luz panics as she falls].  Thankfully, Stringbean saved me just in the nick of time.  I was very injured, but I managed to find you guys.  [passes out. End flashback]. And here we are. Back home." Luz said. "Oh. Oh, you don't say! So that brat is afraid of death, yet he tried to kill you?! I'm going to give that kid a punishment worse than five minutes in the corner!" Amity yelled with rage. "Now it's clear. Collector truly is evil." Hunter said. "And he tried to kill Luz on purpose. Mama is with you Amity! That kid is going to regret doing that!" Camilla yelled with the motivation to kill Collector. "This... this doesn't make any sense." Eda said. "Excuse me?! He tried to murder your human apprentice! How does that not make sense?!" Amity asked confused and angry. "I agree. What Collector did gets Mama on her bad side, but through his beliefs, it's unclear. The Collector is afraid of death. King told us it haunts him for life. So why would he be ok with causally murdering Luz? In addition, he pinky promised King he wouldn't hurt Luz. Verbally, mentally, and physically. He never breaks his pinky swears." Eda replied. "Until now." Amity said. "Point is, this doesn't feel like the Collector King wanted to save. It just doesn't add up." Eda replied. "Well, what matters is that Luz isn't dead, and we know who the true threat is." Vee said. "Oh. And Luz, don't get upset, but the Collector activated a forcefield in the Archives. Which means, well. We can't get inside now." Camilla replied. "So we're trapped out? We can't save Lilith, King, anyone?" Luz asked. "Please don't get upset." Camilla begged. "It's cool. Sure, we are in a pickle, don't you dare anyone! But what matters is we don't get possessed by our mistakes. We learn and grow from them. And even at this low point, we shouldn't give up hope. We're a team. And we are all in this. No one is singled out here." Luz said. Camilla smiles knowing that her kid has taken her advice, and is using it. "Besides, it wasn't entirely a loss. We all got out, and we have Eda on our side." Luz said. "Oh yeah. And I made a map of the entire Archives, so hey. We have a navigation system when we get inside." Eda replied. "Have I ever told you, you are the best witch mentor? Because you are the best witch mentor." Luz asked. "What can I say? Just doing what I do best." Eda replied. "I'm so glad you are here with us." Luz said happily. "Right, back here kiddo." Eda replied. "Well then, [gets up] it seems our best move is to recharge, then try again. And now, we are preventing Luz from spending some time with Eda." Hunter said. "Yeah. Catch Eda up on everything." Willow replied. "And don't leave out a single detail." Eda said. "Thanks guys." Luz replied. Hunter, Gus, Willow, and Vee all leave Luz alone. "Do you need me to go as well mija?" Camilla asked. "Are you kidding me? I've been wanting to introduce you to Eda for months! You got to hear all about her!" Luz replied. "My life story is one autobiography waiting to be written. You are talking to the number one bad girl, wild witch, mentor, and Mother of almost ten. I know. I'm a full package." Eda said. Camilla giggles making Luz smile. "This means you want me to go as well right?" Amity asked. "I mean... would you be ok with leaving me here?" Luz asked back. Amity places her hand on Luz's cheek. She thinks. "[smiles]. Don't worry about me. Just get some rest, and tell Eda everything you've been waiting to tell her." Amity said kissing Luz on the nose. Luz smiles as does Camilla and Eda. Amity gets up and walks away. "Batata. [Amity turns around]. Eres la mejor novia abominacion de todas los tiempos(Sweet potato. You're the best abomination girlfriend ever.)." Luz said. "[smiles]. Eres la bruja humana mas incredible que jamas haya conocido, Luz(You're the most awesome human witch I'll ever know Luz.)." Amity replied. "Aww!!!" Luz and Camilla yelled with joy. Amity smiles and blushes before she leaves the room. Leaving only Luz, Eda, and Camilla. "I have no idea what anyone just said." Eda said.

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