Behind the Scenes + Author's Note

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Here's some bonus content before the author's note!! :D

Random things/head cannons I've thought of that never made it into the story:

- (Yn)'s mother taught her how to sing.

- (Yn) never told anyone that she willingly chose to help Varian free his father at first. Everyone just assumed he kidnapped her from the start.

- In chapter 24 when Varian's experiment went wrong, it wasn't his fault at all. Before he left his cell, Andrew tampered with the compound to make it explode. He did this so he could get Varian to revert back to his feelings of self-doubt, undo (Yn)'s progress, and be more likely to join the Saporians.

- "Angel" wasn't just a cute nickname Varian came up with for (Yn). He started calling her that after she helped him redeem himself because she was like a guardian angel that saved him. <3

- If (Yn) and Varian would've been sent to the Lost Realm, Varian would still end up with his snake hair stripe and (Yn) would have gotten fuzzy bunny ears, a bunny nose, and a cotton tail like Dandelion :3

- They both lost their hair strips and powers after the battle, as the Sundrop and Moonstone were finally combined.

- After they got together, (Yn) and Varian started writing each other little notes and sticking them in whatever book the other one was currently reading.

- I never did get to write the interaction between Cass and (Yn) after the finale, but I imagined it playing out with the two having a moment alone where they shared a heart-to-heart. (Yn) would've been extremely hurt at first, but I think Cass would've started off her apology by saying: "Y'know, you've gotten a lot stronger since the last time I saw you."

- Varian still gets horrible nightmares about his past well into adulthood. When he moves into the palace as the royal engineer, he goes to (Yn)'s room when he has these nightmares, and she comforts him until he falls asleep in her arms.

- On their journey through the Seven Kingdoms, (Yn)'s years reading science and history books in the castle library prove themselves to be very useful.

- (Yn) expands her knowledge of musicology, history, and magic throughout her journey.

- Varian proposes to (Yn) during their journey through the Seven Kingdoms (When they're around 22 years old), but they don't get married until they get home so they can celebrate with their families and friends.

- (Yn)'s wedding bouquet has forget-me-nots in it

Songs I've always associated them with (In story order):

"It's Nice To Have A Friend" (Taylor Swift)

"Friendship Song" (Tangled the Series)

"Helpless" (Hamilton)

"Forever Winter" (Taylor Swift)

"More Than Anything" (Hazbin Hotel)

"Meant to Be Yours" (Heathers)

"the 1" (Taylor Swift)

"Love Like You" (Steven Universe)

"Something to Believe In" (Newsies)

"Safe & Sound" (Taylor Swift)

"Something That I Want" (Grace Potter)

"Gone, Gone, Gone" (Phillip Phillips)

Author's Note

Hey guys!

It's me, the author of Forget-Me-Not! Thank you so so much for making it through my silly little book about everyone's favorite alchemist :)

I remember I started this book in the spring of 2021, but I didn't publish any of the chapters I had written until a year later. I loved the story I had in my head, but I was honestly terrified to publish it because I didn't think I'd be able to do it justice (I also didn't think anyone would read it, because the TTS fandom is slowly dying T-T). Finally, though, on May 24th of 2022, I posted this story on Wattpad, and almost two years later, I'm pressing the little 'completed' tab on Forget-Me-Not. It's such a bittersweet feeling.

I've had a lot of people asking if I'm going to be making a book two, and I'd like to quickly clear any confusion by saying I will not be making a second book. Although it's flattering that you guys liked this book enough to read a second one, I'm very satisfied with how this story has turned out, and I think this is a good place to end it.

This book has been so rewarding to write, as I've never written something that's been 10 hours long before, but the most rewarding part of this process was creating a story for some of the kindest people in the world. You guys gave me the strength to help push through the writer's block and lack of motivation I've had at points, and the only reason this book has made it this far is because of you (yes, you). I'm not kidding when I say that I read all the comments you guys leave. Heck, my favorite part of my Friday is when I log onto my account to see what you all thought of the latest chapter.  Thank you so so much.

I'm going to miss you all so much, but please know that I love each of you dearly. I adore this little community we've built here! This app has always been a place where I could experiment with my words, and I'm so grateful I got to share them with you.

As I finish this book, I'm incredibly sad to leave this chapter behind and indescribably excited to move into a new one; one where after years of putting it off, I'm finally going to write and (hopefully) publish a real book all my own.

This journey has been one I'll always hold close to my heart, and I'll never forget the beautiful people I've met along the way.

Forever yours,


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