🌺Chapter ten🌺

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Chapter tenWho is in control?

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Chapter ten
Who is in control?

"Bite me!"

2nd person pov:

MK was zoning outthe whole time he was training with Monkey King. Wukong was curious on why so now that they are taking a break he asked, "What's wrong with you kid? Your minds on a different place the whole training." MK frown and look a the noodles in his lap, "It's just that... Last night, somethings wrong with, [Name]." Hearing your name, Wukong perked at his replied, "Why? what happened?" "Well..."

MK just finished cleaning the restaurant, and now he was walking back to his room to take a rest when he noticed your door slightly open. He walk toward it and was about to close the door when he hear Mr, Tang spoke from the inside, "I think we should tell this to Monkey King! I think he could help you." Mr, Tang suggested.

MK curiously peek through the door to see you sitting on the ground holding your right eye with a shattered glass on the ground. You were panting like you saw something horrifying and tears fall down your cheek. You don't look like your normal self. Mr, Tang was kneeling down in front of you trying to assure you, "It's gonna be okay... We'll figure it out." He assured, "I'm... I'm scared... I don't know what's happening." You replied looking at your hand trembling.

MK frown seeing your state, though he didn't continue to eavesdrop more. He silently closed the door before walking back to his room. He wanted to know what you were talking about. Though, after the fight you two have a few weeks ago, he don't think you would like to see his face.

"So yeah, that's what I've heard." He explained. Wukong thought for a moment, now that you think of it, the last time he saw you it was when they battle Macaque. You look different that time, you have the same appearance as... them.

But that can't be. Right? They were sealed few years ago. There is no chance that they can hide in your body right? Maybe he's just thinking into it too much. Besides, there might be a chance that a new one will be born with a similar power as them without being blood related. That's right! Maybe you just got a similar power as them. Everything will be fine. As long as he kept you safe and away from her.

Wukong sigh and look back at MK, "Don't worry kid, I'm sure your older siblings are alright." He reassured patting his back.


Meanwhile, night time came. You were sitting on your bed. You look at yourself in the mirror when an Absolute Solver symbol appear in your right eye making you covered it immediately in panicked.

You slowly removed your eye to see the symbol already gone. You covered it and remove your hands again making sure it's already gone. But just as you lower your hand the symbol appear cracking the mirror. You panicked and immediately covered your eye.

"That's worrisome."

You snap your head toward your balcony to see none other than Macaque. "YOU. What are you doing here?!" You asked glaring at him. He raised his arms showing you that he's not here too fight.

"Just checking up on you nightlight."

"Don't call me that."

"Ohoho, feisty."

He enter your room, walking towards you, "Hm, ya' know. You should really work on your power. Having an uncontrollable power is dangerous you know?" He warned.

"Thanks, I didn't know." You said sarcastically. Macaque look at you before letting out a laugh. You look at him, 'I don't know why...' Eventually, Macaque stop laughing. He look at you to see you staring at him, making him confused.

'When I look at you. I can't help but feel sad... Why?' You thought looking down.

'What is this feeling?' Macaque ran the back of his hand, "Anyway." You look back up at him, "I'll be going now. I just came here to see ya'. Don't want your brother beating me when he see me in your room." He laughed and turn around, "See you around nightlight." He said before leaving your room.

You watched as he left through your balcony, 'Why... Even after what you did to MK... Why couldn't I hate you? Instead, why do I feel pain and sadness?'

You groan in annoyance before flopping on your bed. 'What the heck is wrong with me?' You thought to yourself looking at the ceiling before closing your eye.


What did you guys think of my drawing? Took me an hour and a half. Don't repost or reclaim it. I posted it on Pinterest, so incase my phone restart again I can still have the pic.

Also, I tried to draw the reader, it's a rush drawing, that's why it have a lack of shading. Just a reference.

That's all for this update, thank you all so much for reading!

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That's all for this update, thank you all so much for reading!

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