It all Started Because Of Her

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I was running to my next class when I slammed into a man who was standing in the doorway, I apologized and grabbed my books and was on my way without looking at who I ran into. I had no time for pleasantries. I have tests all day long and time was tight. I barely made it as my professor was closing the door. He laughed as I walked in the door. So did the class, apparently the guy I bumped into had food in his hands and it was now on my sweater. I took it off and put it aside and was just in my very wrinkled blouse. I don't know what was worse. Professor Thomas told everyone to take their pencils out for our test, the one that counts towards our final grade. I am beyond ready for this test.

Two hours later I am done and I hand in my test and I head to the door when my professor asks me if I would like to become his TA for the next semester? I agree to do it after we discuss my salary. It's definitely better than the bookstores hourly wage. Although I can also work there because the TA hours will run along with my schedule at college.

Professor Thomas
She might be a mess but she's the smartest student I have had in years. She earned the TA position. Al though she is going to need to do better attire wise. But then again she doesn't dress like the other college girls do. A lot are here to meet men. Well males who are inclined to have a bright future. So their clothing choices make them look like wanton women. She asks the starting date and I give her the date, her salary and the paperwork to take to the main HR office.

I am tapping my foot waiting for Anastasia to show up with her pile of books and finally she arrives three minutes before class. She hands me the book that I asked for and we head in together. I am anxious to get this open book test done and out of here. Anastasia had my book because I lost it and she somehow found it on her walk to her job. Luckily it had my name and number in it. We really don't know each other except in our classes. I just don't want to hang out with the curmudgeon. She has little time for any pleasantries or much else. She reminds me of her father who is the same way. Grouchy and cantankerous, she does apologize for her infractions but goes no further that saying she's sorry and leaves you to deal with the aftermath.

Jose Rodriquez
I am sitting here thinking about asking Kate out. She is usually too busy to go out with anyone, but finals week is over today. So I take a shot at asking her out. She said that she and a group are going to celebrate tonight. She doesn't mention where or when so I don't delve further. I look at Anastasia and think nope no way I will put myself through that. I never went out with Anastasia and most guys steer clear of her because she is an accident waiting to happen and has no patience with others.

I can't believe that the girl just walked right into me and my breakfast muffin needed up smashed and she didn't bother looking at me because she was grabbing her book and apologized and sped off to who knows where. Jason barely held his laughter in and helped me get the muffin cleaned off my jacket and got me a new muffin. It was like a whirlwind ran into me and left me spinning around. I almost thought she was a child, Jason said she was definitely not a child. I couldn't tell because she had so many books covering her front the muffin was on me and her both. I stopped in the restroom to clean it off my jacket. It was her luck it came right off.

Christian finally got out of his meeting at the college and we went to the club to check it out. The owners were waiting for us and he had the specs for me and the financials for Christian. We looked everything over and the club start filling up with college students. The manager said all the finals ended today so it's going to be a huge crowd tonight. We sit in the managers office near the windows and he has a lot of security assuring no one gets out line. He explains that they keep a constant watch for people trying to drug others. He tells us that is an issue with all clubs. They make sure no one is so incapacitated they can't get home without help. They make sure their servers are on top of things especially with the female customers. Just as we say this a security guy has spotted one of the guys drugging three girls drinks. They cuff him and replace the girls drinks, they take the drugged drinks and seal them up for the cops to take into evidence besides the drugs the guys were carrying. One of the young ladies punched the cuffed guy in the balls. I watch as what looks like a small child flips the guy onto his back. The crowd moved to allow her to take him down. The last one kicked the man in the ribs. All of us are watching as these three women have pretty much made their point. The point is don't mess with them again. I want to meet these women. I head down to see if I can get their names. They are talking to the cops about what happened and the guy is screaming he was assaulted. The cops told him to shut up and let his attorney speak for him. The child who flipped him told him that they were assaulted first by the fact he drugged their drinks and she pointed to the sealed evidence and the drugs the cops now have in an evidence bag. She told him that she could sue him into next year and what will his parents want to pay them in damages? He shut up and said nothing else and the cops asked if he still wanted to press charges against the young ladies he said no I don't. Anastasia please don't tell my parents about this?

You know that I have to tell them about this so you can get help with your criminal tendencies. Go with the cops and do all and wake up my father to come bail you out. You give him too much work as it is. How's the paternity suit going? Angela told me she is winning at this point. I laugh and walk back inside to grab my bag from the bar tender. I tell her I am going home to ice my arm and fist.

Thanks for coming in and helping us catch the guy. She says you can  thank Kate and Leila for telling me what was going on.

Any other guys who might be doing the same thing? She said they haven't arrived yet. She just wanted to get the wealthy guy out of there before he dispensed the drugs to other guys to make the ladies unable to fight them off. So he supplied the guys with drugs so they could do as they wished to females.

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