New Law Office Opened

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Dad wanted me to work with him in his firm but I want to start out on my own. So I found a building that not only had an office on the ground floor it had three apartments that one was empty and the others would be income for me they would pay me the last six months rent on their leases. I had a thorough inspection of the whole place and the seller had everything fixed and everything up to date wiring, plumbing and everything was in good standing utility wise. No outstanding debts against the building and a clear title to the building. I had all this investigated. I made sure the man had taken out mortgages on it trying to sell it to me with loans being processed. Dad and I really ran checks on the owner and it was a clear title and no left over debts against it. The problems were fixed. The thirty day wait was finally over and I was given the keys and the account numbers for the utilities and he was going to pay the balance and got them to switch the utilities the same day I took ownership. So everything was settled. I had the phone company install the phone system I asked for. I had the alarm company come by as well and they brought the video surveillance equipment as well. I found a great IT guy who does freelance after hours and he is a friend of a friend. Barney Miller brought his girlfriend Mia with him. Which was fine with me. She was helpful and I gave her business cards. Her father was an attorney like mine. He passed away suddenly years ago. She asked me if I had posed for a painting? I chuckled and said no I didn't pose for any paintings but my photo was bought by a professor that did paint and used my face on a different body lol. She showed me the paintings and said her and her brothers bought them including one of her father. I looked at the photos and showed her the actual photos of us.

It isn't often you see the actual person that an artist used in a painting, but here one of them stands. She told me that the other young ladies live in Seattle too. The professor works at the college she graduated from. Her and the two were photos that the student took for a class final and he bought them from the student. Of course after they signed an agreement to allow his usage of them. She laughed at how stacked she was in the photos. Stacked and tall. She is short and skinny but she is gorgeous just like the others he painted.

I ordered the best servers and computers for Miss Steele and then set up all the systems along with the alarm company's guys. They got to see how to integrate them with my technology we used a small office that had two way glass. I guess this was an old bail bondsman office that retired to sunnier places. The safe was huge and I checked it over and it is in great shape. Might upgrade the mechanisms in it to a digital system. Right now she just needs to get everything done and installed. She will be opening her office soon and needs to get trained and train her staff. I offered to help her with it along with Mia. Mia is good at training people on my systems.

I got a bit jealous of Barney asking about helping her train on the systems, he then added that I was great at training as well. Good save. She thought it was a great idea and set times for us to train staff. It will be at night because we work days. She wrote a sizable check for our services and the equipment. I looked at her clothing and she doesn't dress like she has money at all. All look like Salvation Army clothes or Goodwill. So I ask her how she as a college graduate could afford all this, she replied that she inherited a large amount of money that earned interests from her birth. She looked sad and about to cry. I change the topic and we head out for dinner.

I hate thinking about how my mom died and it saddens me to explain how I have this money. Dad fought tooth and nail to get compensated for mom's death. The doctor and the hospital were found negligent and they paid him for both our losses. They also paid for my injuries that kept me from going home with dad. So I get weepy about all of it. Dad told me finally what had happened and he really could have gotten a lot more. The doctor lost his license.

Time to move forward and get cases that I can win and feel good about winning.

The renters leases ended and they didn't like the raise in the rent and gave notice, I knew they would and that gave me the opportunity to offer one apartment to Kate and Leila. They are paying a lot more for the place they are living in now and the guy is raising his rent.

I can't believe the timing on Anastasia offering Leila and I a great apartment in a secure building and renovated updated everything. She wants less than what we pay for this dump. We go see the place and it's great and has a lot of sunlight. It has security cameras and a monitoring station along with a major server and great parking lots. The whole building has internet. The roof is great for parties and tanning.

I can get great shots from the buildings rooftop. I can set up a dark room and the security system is great and the parking lots are lighted and cameras can see all of the lots. We gave our notice for the thirty days left on our lease. We had to fix a few spots and Kate found someone who would do it for food. We have pictures of the damage that was done before we moved into the place. It never was fixed. We wrote all the damage down and videotaped the landlord taking us through for a damage assessment before we moved in. We have the inspection done and the guy tries to say we owe for the damage done that was there when we moved in to the apartment. Anastasia handed him her card and told him we expected our security deposit to be returned as she shows him the videos of before and after along with photographs. Oscar looks at the business card and sees the name Steele and he writes a check right there on the spot. I guess he knows Ray Steele from other law suits, and Anastasia knows Oscar from her dad's files because her dad sued him for damages from injuries in one of his so called well maintained apartments. She tells him to get everything fixed because she needs to file a report about safety issues she spotted in the building and in our apartment.

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