New Trials

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They found my journals along with the evidence that I did indeed do everything I said in my journals. I also learned I am a grandmother of four. My family have disowned me completely. Gretchen and I will be serving the rest of our lives behind bars. I look at the jurors and know that they are going to find me guilty of all my crimes. My attorney has told me that I have to return the life insurance money on Carrick, since I was found guilty of ordering a hit on him. My financials show I took out the money from my bank account and it was the amount in the journal. Then they found evidence of all the other murders as well.

I got caught up in this and I was just following orders from her. They didn't believe me. So I got life as well. It wasn't a good thing since we already have enemies in the cell block. Elena Lincoln was one of them. She had her own enemies. She looks 80 years old now that she can't get Botox or plastic surgery. They had to take out the implants because they leaked after someone stuck a knife in them. I got the same amount of time as Grace did. They placed me in with Elena Lincoln and she is scary. Grace has four grandchildren that she will never see. Her children have disowned her and sent an attorney to get her power of attorney so that they can handle her estate. It is like she is dead and they are going through everything and selling it off.

We had to get all mom's things together and sell her home and other properties. We had to after the news broke about her being a serial killer. Everything had to be sold off that belonged to her or Gretchen. The attorney got her power of attorney as well for her children to be able to handle the selling of all properties and access to all accounts. All monies were placed into a trust and one of the victims heirs was Anastasia, then Mia, Christian and myself. Gretchen wasn't a victim. We went back to locate other victims but they seemed like there wasn't any family left. We all sat down and discussed how it was going to happen. We moved everything out of the house. The law firm was now ours to add to our list of businesses we had to run. I had Christian find three attorneys to form a management team to run it. Each were on staff at GEH and were already very trusted by him. They were ready for a move into management. Mia and Christian offered Anastasia the position to oversee the firm and she took it. Christian jr and Collin Edward Grey were a month old and she had childcare put in there as well. Her staff was ready to help handle things along side her. We finally got things completed and the news slowly stopped reporting on the Grey issues. The house was sold to someone who wanted it for a tour. Too much vandalism was going on to not sell it. People wanting memento of the serial killers home.

We moved pretty quickly on everything, we discovered there was a number of very interested buyers for mom's residence and there was a bidding war. I was glad that Anastasia was willing to oversee dad's law firm. She rules with an iron fist over the more seasoned attorneys. I love that she doesn't allow them to try to intimidate her. We are over the shock of it all. We were all victims of mom and then Gretchen. The vandalism was confined to the exterior gate areas. The mail box had to be moved to the inside gate area and staff had to meet the postal worker at the gate. Security was tight, but they could only do so much. Several people were caught though. Finally the place was sold along with the other properties that she bought. I had no idea she had bought all Elena's properties and kept them up. The salons were all renovated  by someone other than Elliott. The clubs are still bringing in income, but we sold all of it as well.

Mom did some very strange things, I don't know why she bought all of Elena's properties. We are still confused about how she can present a public image and treat us kindly, but really be a serial killer. We can't face her after this all that we read. Barney says who knows what is going on in her head. The 14 year old sub missive has resurfaced and wants her weight in gold. That statute of limitations is long since passed. Why she suddenly appeared at this point in time and now she is trying to get everything from the trust. That's not going to happen, we have more attorneys and they are quite smart.

I can't even imagine what people are thinking any more. My name might be Lincoln, but Elena is not my mother. Her ex husband  is my father, but my mother is nothing like her. Me and my siblings used to get bothered by the paparazzi until dad made sure they couldn't do it again, he won a huge law suit against the news outlets for asking us about anything to do with Elena. I am getting my law degree along with others Anastasia hired. She has made sure we get the chance to take courses to get whatever degree we wish. Everyone took her up on it. People are clamoring to get hired by mrs Grey, but she scrutinizes every applicant and for good reasons. I help her with all of her work and I lead all of her second assistants. It has been a very challenging time for everyone. Employees of the Grey's have been harassed for information on anything to do with the serial killers.

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