Kelly Green

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Not sure what the Grey's think about me, but there was no mention of how I am related to Grace. She helped me adopting my three children when my husband was still alive. She killed him before he could tell me about how we came to be able to adopt three infants. Three newborns to be exact and she asked we name them Elliott, Christian and Mia, now I know why. I just found out that she had killed my husband after he found out how she had been instrumental in getting us all three newborns and he had proof. I couldn't find anything about it. But she made sure we had just enough money to survive on. I discovered recently that I was her only biological child and she threw me in the garbage. A homeless person saw her discard me but couldn't identify her because it was so dark. My children are thrilled to have a warm bed and a place to bathe. So am I for that matter, I still can't get it through my head that this is all mine. The attorneys are discussing more things and I am still confused and relieved that we are no longer homeless. I now can get my college degree. The children can have a safe place to play and sleep. They can eat healthy now. I am just trying to make sure I am not dreaming though. My attorney reads me everything and I need help understanding everything. Apparently there are other accounts that were earmarked for me and my children. I was given the DNA test that Grace had completed on me and her and we are mother and daughter. She had me before she adopted Elliott, Christian and Mia, she was able to keep it quiet because she didn't show. She dressed in rags when she dumped me in the garbage. I have no idea who my father was and neither did she.

The number of lies that Grace told and what she kept hidden all these years makes me wonder if she really was a pediatrician. Christian, Elliott and Mia are really not sure what is true and what isn't true in her journals at this point. Kate wants to write a book about all of it. They won't allow her to write anything at all. It would reopen everything they have worked hard to get past. I have hired people to protect Mrs Green and her children.

I know the staff at the other places and they know me, but we never knew the connection between me and the Grey family. Now they work for Mrs Green not the Grey estate. We just shopped in the same grocery stores for food. It was like every other month we ran into each other. I just get the feeling Grace has more secrets that will come out eventually because she definitely didn't want anyone to know what she was doing or where she was going to. Jason said Christian tried to put people on her but she always gave them the slip. He stopped even trying or even trying to get her to accept the help. Now we are discovering why she refused the protection. It was other people needing to be protected from her. She would have been caught a lot sooner had she been followed.

We have no idea what is coming next but we have to live each day as it comes. At least we can say that she did the right thing in placing her in her will. Those poor children needed food and water and a check up as did Kelly. Kate is still wanting to write about Grace. I am thinking we should let her write the story but using a pen name and changing names to protect the innocent. Christian and Mia have their own thoughts about it. We don't know how they found her competent to stand trial but they did. She really was a pediatric surgeon and treated children. We started helping get Kelly's houses childproofed. Anastasia brought Christian jr and Collin to meet their cousins and Mia brought James and Jacob to meet them. We haven't had good luck in the baby creating at this point. A few issues with both of us. We keep trying though and it can be fun at times.

I get depressed when the pregnancy test comes out negative and we finally found out we can get pregnant but it is going to take a lot of effort on our parts. So we are doing just that. I am getting more followers to my columns now and I am hoping to get more on line followers. I might do a live video feed soon. Elliott and his siblings are thinking of letting me write a fictional story using their mother's journals. Now I have to worry about what Kelly Green thinks about it. I decide to ask her and she tells me that she doesn't care if it is a true story or not, she will sign a release giving me permission to write the true version based on her journals. Now I am in a quandary about how to proceed. She can't stand Grace and would like to see the journals published.

I want the journals released and the truth of who Grace Grey really is. She already has been uncovered as a serial killer. Can you imagine having your child's doctor uncovered as a serial killer, I can't. They are looking into any deaths connected to her patients or their parents. Who would suspect such a person would be a killer and didn't hesitate to kill or try to kill their own newborn child. Well she threw me in the garbage and left me to die, luckily someone witnessed her dumping my newborn body in the garbage. I guess she left me all she did to compensate me for doing it, who knows what went on in her head at that time.

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