Everything Ends Well

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I am in a great mood today, everything has been solved to my satisfaction. I am glad to see Elliott has started dating Kate Kavanagh. I look at the painting of Carrick that just happened to be the very last photograph of him taken. That's one man that won't cheat on his wife again. Elena Lincoln supplied him with his sub missives. I couldn't get her without smearing my husband's reputation. So I waited and watched until she crossed the line with Christian right in front all of us. I made sure she was exposed after that, I broke a lot of laws to make sure she ended up behind bars for life. I also made sure her victims would have the last word in ending her life in the worst way. The right words here and there and she prayed for death. I smile as I look at my three children who we adopted because my husband had shared something that made both of us sterile. Again I blame Elena and him for my sterility. I demanded that we adopt and he gave in to me. The last straw was him actually being seen in public with his last sub missive. She was 14 years old. We buried the story. She was placed with a couple who adopted her and got her psychiatric help. She is not allowed back in Seattle again. I find it ironic that I now have a painting of the last photograph that was taken of him. It was right before he lost his life.

Mrs Grey was polite to me and Anastasia as usual, but I believe there is something brewing under the surface. She is a pediatric surgeon and owns the Grey law firm, so she has had to be the protector of her children and her reputation at all times. The song smiling faces comes to mind. Elliott and I have been dating for a couple of months now. I don't know what is going on with Christian and Anastasia but he brought her to family dinner. I think the maid has a thing for Christian and has been doing tiny little things to Anastasia and her food.

Gretchen has hit me every time she passed me and I am the only one. Then she brought our food out and she put a little extra in my food. It was very obvious the first time she added something very spicy. Then my tea was salted, I was afraid to eat anything at all. Finally Grace had another maid serve us our food and sent Gretchen to do laundry. She apologized for her maids behavior and would speak to her later. I started thinking about it and I think this was planned. Keep positive thoughts Anastasia.

I watch everything unfold and think mom might be behind what Gretchen is doing to Anastasia. Christian is her favorite child. Anastasia is being patient but she is also watchful of the situation and I can see she doesn't believe for one second mom wasn't in on the maids bad behaviors.

I can't watch this much longer, there is no doubt Gretchen is putting things in Anastasia's food and drink, nothing poisonous though. I thought I saw mom and Gretchen smirking as Anastasia stops drinking and eating anything Gretchen has handed to her. She reached for the food already on the table. I can't imagine why they are targeting Anastasia though. Finally I ask mom and Gretchen to her office and have a chat with them both. I told them to stop putting things in Anastasia's food and drink or I would leave and not eat or drink anything either of them served to me from now on. They were definitely guilty of ruining her food and drink. Not sure if it was a joke or they were being cruel and trying to get rid of her as my date. This wasn't the first time they played this trick on someone they didn't want me to date. They did it to my siblings as well. I won't let them chase Anastasia away, because she's a good person and a good influence on Mia and Elliott.

I tell Gretchen that we should stop doing it since apparently everyone knows what we are doing and we don't want to have a family dinner without family members. Christian looks at me and Gretchen and tells us that none of them would come and Mia might not let her see her grandchildren if she doesn't stop chasing away dates of his or Elliott's. Barney was immune to our antics of ruining his good, because he enjoyed having pranks pulled on him. Mia found it amusing and it made her look at Barney differently and grew into love and a marriage.

I was doing it because I wanted to get rid of Anastasia because Christian seems to really like her. But Grace started having me do things to get rid of her kids dates because she didn't want to share them with their careers and a spouse. So I did it all this time, but this time I really wanted to get rid of Anastasia as his date. A sense of jealousy hit me hard. We agree to stop it and get to know each of his dates.

At least I know that I wasn't the only one they ruined their food intentionally to get rid of me. It was a good thing that I had a good sense of humor about it and I wasn't allergic to anything that they put in my food and drink. I just kept coming back for Mia. A couple times I got Grace and Gretchen back for all of it. They couldn't say much to me for doing it because they both deserved it.

Poor Anastasia going through the ruining of her good and drink routine. Christian forced mom and Gretchen into her office to make them stop their childishness. I was glad he put his foot down.

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