Hidden Brhind The Mask

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I titled the book Hidden Behind The Mask and the sales went through the roof once it was released. I had been reading the journals and writing the book since Elliott told me to go ahead and write it and then it would be read by all the children and soon they all gave me permission to get it published. I included both good and bad, because along with her murderous intentions and the murders she followed through with, she did a lot of good work and helped a lot of people through her abilities as a pediatrician and surgeon. If she hadn't been caught who knows how long she would have kept her killing up. When she tried to kill Anastasia and failed we might never have known she was a killer. She was meticulous about covering up her crimes.

The book tells me how lucky I was not to be raised by Grace, but then I look at my siblings and realize they are all well adjusted and nothing like Grace. They were probably raised by the help. I read through the book and called Kate and gave her my permission to publish it. It shows Grace in both lights, the good and bad ones. I signed the permission form and sent it back to her. All of us would be getting a percentage of the royalties.

I read the book and think that it was pretty on the mark and signed the permission form for Kate. Mia and Christian both signed theirs as well. After the book sold out they signed for a movie of it. Kate used her own name and she was asked to come on tv shows to talk about the book. She was traveling a lot when she found out a miracle happened when I flew out to be with her one week. She got pregnant with our child that week.

I watched the interviews with Kate and she did a great job. The book is on my bookshelf now and I really didn't read it, but it is a best seller. Barney has read it and says there is no wonder it was a best seller. A movie deal was being signed and all of us will need to sign more documents to allow that. So I agreed to sign it.

At this point we have gotten used to the press about mom and her being a serial killer. We just tell them we know as much as they do and it seems to be true. I think they know more than we do. I am sure of it after talking to Kate about the book. She finally got us on board with the book and the title Hidden Behind The Mask. It has a female surgeon with the operating garb on, as the cover for the book. We have already seen Kate handle the onslaught of questions and she is very good at all of it.

I knew there was something not quite right with Grace Grey and Gretchen as well. I thought she was always a bit scary. She wasn't someone you wanted as an enemy. It all come out after she and Gretchen tried to kill Anastasia and forgot the safety's were on. It gave security and Anastasia to respond quickly and she was arrested along with Gretchen. Anastasia kept tellingKate that both Grace and Gretchen were doing things to her behind our backs and after that I knew it was worse than destroying Anastasia's food. Kate told me about the food being contaminated by Grace and Gretchen. They made sure that they served her plate of food.

I read the book Kate Grey wrote and I notice a few things in it that stop me in my tracks. This could have been bad if she mentioned names in the book, but she didn't mention any of the true names. I hand Elizabeth the book and it seems that I am right that it doesn't mention the real names of the people involved. It is written well but it reads like a fictional story. I mean a renowned pediatric surgeon is a serial killer in her personal life. Who knew, I suspected that she was just wearing a mask in public and when she was doing her killing she had help and she was quick and thorough like a surgeon would be. She also could cover her tracks. I nearly caught her once. She slipped through my trap though and I had absolutely no proof it was her.

I was glad to hear that doctor demon from hell finally died and now people are safer since she is gone and her little dog Gretchen. Boy did she have that girl trained. We suspect that she started training her from birth. When they got Elena we got out of town and came here and took over for Elena's competition, behind bars didn't stop her from running her business. She was outnumbered in jail and Grace was definitely an enemy of hers. She helped put her behind bars. It was odd that both Grace and Elena died of heart attacks and soon Gretchen died of a brain tumor. I think there is more to the story, but who is going to investigate any of the deaths? Nobody will ever look into those deaths, because too many think they got what they deserved.

Constance Pope
I was paid very well for my work in Seattle, but I still have questions about the whole situation. I was questioned for a long time until I got fed up with the police and called an attorney to help me get them off my back. They finally had to let me go home. They would find me and question me for a few hours and tell me not to leave town. I told them I needed to get back to work in Georgia. They let me go and they had my phone numbers to call me if needed.

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