Quietly Returned Home

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Elliott and I followed Anastasia and Christian to our apartments, she was getting tired. It is Sunday morning now. We closed down the club and had a lot of fun. I don't think I have seen Anastasia have fun before. Normally she is serious and moody. I am shocked that Elliott and I have never dated or had one night stand. I guess we just missed each other until we met at Mia's wedding. I never saw him during the construction at the apartment and offices. It must have been our bad timing. He told me he had the painting that Leila's professor painted my face onto a different body. He has them hanging in his home office and fantasizes about them. He loves them and he is not alone. Christian has some in his home as well, so does Mia but hers are different and much better because they look like the girls next door. They enjoy various scholastic activities in hers. He showed me photos of hers and they are amazing.

We arrive and I park my car and we head up right as Anastasia and Christian start upstairs. Theresa and Ryan are in the elevator with us. Theresa worked as Mia's CPO but Mia liked to give her the slip and she decided to start working for Miss Steele because she takes her safety seriously. At least my stalker wasn't around this evening. Theresa was the first one to notice her, so I bet she must have seen Theresa and didn't want to tussle with her again. We stop on the second floor and Kate and I get off the elevator saying goodnight to everyone. I definitely like how the place turned out. We did a great job of the place. Each floor has one apartment it has several bedrooms and the main elevator is at the front of the building along with the storage unit and the supply areas. There is freight elevator at the back of the building with the trash collection areas. All floors have laundry rooms and kitchens. Kate invites me in and I go of course. Soon we are making out on her sofa.

I help Anastasia into her apartment and I help lead her to her bedroom so she can sleep. She tries to wipe her make up off so I find something to clean it off her face. She is so tired that she's falling asleep standing up. I know how that feels. I finally help her to bed but she heads to her closet and she takes off her dress and I turn around so she has some privacy but soon I hear her fall and I have to pick her up off the carpeted floor and she has pajamas in her hand and I dress her in the quickly before I tuck her in. I kiss her lips and she pulls me down to her and I lay down beside her and hold her. She's soon asleep and I follow her into dreamland.

I look and see Christian beside me in my bed and I am in my pajamas. He is covered up, but his clothing is on the chair next to the bed. I decide to grab my robe and head to get something to eat. I hear him move and then I open the door and quickly move out of the room and close the door.

I am cooking breakfast when he arrives in his clothes from last night. I offer him breakfast and coffee. He takes it and drinks his juice and then his coffee. Finally he tells me nothing happened between us but hugs and kisses because I was tired and had drank a couple of drinks.

I heard the door open and close and then I smelled food wafting through the vents somehow. So I use the restroom and get cleaned up and dressed and follow the food smell to see Anastasia cooking. This is nice and that pink bunny robe is cute. She offers me a plate of food along with juice and coffee. I drink the juice and then the coffee. Everything tastes great and she looks better without all that makeup on. I never knew how big and blue her eyes are until now. The painting doesn't do her justice. I sent my security home and I believe that there is an area that her security stays overnight at. I noticed a security office and if I recall Elliott was talking about extra bedrooms to be added on the first floor in the security staff areas. Someone knocks on the door and she answers it.

Elliott has finally woke up and he is smiling at me from my bed. I am dressed and ready to go get breakfast and talk to Anastasia about a few things. So I tell him where I am going and he jumps out of bed and walks past me to the bathroom and showers and then comes out drying himself off smiling as I am looking at him and blushing. He definitely has nothing to be ashamed of body wise. Plus even a bit drunk he did a good job, I am definitely feeling like I need to be ready for him the next time. Not sure if I can keep up with him, I am willing to try.

I wake up to see Kate already dressed and ready to go out for the day. I jump out of bed and go to shower and leave the door open and after I am done I find a new tooth brush and brush my teeth. I walk out drying my body and Kate is caught checking my body out. She blushes and I give her the full view of everything. She said she is going to get breakfast, I ask to go with her. She gives in and says the breakfast awaits us at Anastasia's and Christian stayed over and nothing happened like what happened here. We walk out and get in the elevator and ride to the floor where Anastasia's apartment is at. She knocks on the door and Anastasia answers in a robe with pink bunnies on it and Christian is eating away so I join him at the table and help myself. Anastasia smiles and says help yourself Elliott sarcastically. She goes and starts cooking something else and hands Kate the coffee pot and the pitcher of juice.

Leave it to Elliott to help himself to food without being invited. Kate and Anastasia go into the kitchen to make more breakfast and soon they are eating along with us. After the meal we all clean the dishes and put them away. The kitchen is well organized and very clean. All her place is clean, the cribs and the playpens were a bit disconcerting but she explained their presence to me.

I get a call and Theresa told me that she and Ryan noticed that there were individuals who seemed to have follow us and they were still around at dawn and she thought they spotted each other and left. She has photos of them from the video footage. It was a female and a male. I told her to try to identify them both.

I see a worried look on Anastasia's face and so does Kate and Christian so she asks if we have anyone that might be possibly stalking us. She shows us photos from dawn and then I see my stalker Ellen Turner. I can't get it through her head to leave me alone. She keeps stalking me but at the distance the court ordered. The issue is that I can't get a restraining order to stop her from doing anything to my dates. I have trouble finding and keeping a girlfriend because she threatens them. The guy none of us know who that is at all.

I can't believe that a stalker could have a stalker stalking her. But it seems as though it might be true. Henry Benson is actually stalking Ellen Turner who is stalking Elliott Grey. I thought I saw everything but apparently this guy started stalking Ellen when Elliott was working on Anastasia's renovation of the building. That's been over a year ago. I call Anastasia and tell her what's going on and she laughs but then asks if they are dangerous? I tell her yes they have been known to be so it might be best to up security for now. She tells me to hire who Eve we need and make sure they have a clean background.

What Ellen has a stalker and his name is Henry Benson? We'll time to tell Jason about this and get more security. I thought maybe she would get tired of all this, but that it how a stalker works In guess.

Well I need to go home now and shower before I go into the office. Elliott call Jason and have him send security to guard you and Kate. I call Ryan and he is already here, he stayed in the bedroom in the security office.

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