The Photos Are Beautiful

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I met Anastasia and Kate when I took photos of a scene that was set to look like a crime scene. It is part of our curriculum that we all took a course together about different kinds of jobs involving criminal investigations and how to look at every aspect of a crime scene and how to photograph it and walk into it as crime scene investigators. We thought it would help in all our careers. Kate is wanting to be a journalist and she might have to report on crimes, Anastasia is going to be an attorney and represent all kinds of people. I myself may become a CSI photographer. Right now I take all kinds of photos for my photography classes. Some are very beautiful and some are ugly. A true photographer takes all kinds of photos and videos from all kinds of environments. War videos and photos, weddings, funerals, murder scenes, disaster areas the list is endless. I recently took photos of myself, Anastasia and Kate to be graded in my class. The professor bought all three photos from me. I had to check with Kate and Anastasia before I sold them to him though. It helped me with my book and lens costs. They agreed to let me sell them to Allen Tobias. A month later he showed me the paintings he made of all three of us and he said he was selling them at a studio in New York along with others he showed his others on his phone. He never gives out the names of the people in his painting for their safety.

Allen Tobias
I have shipped all my work to New York for my exhibition and soon I am flying there for the showings. They want me to paint more of each person, but create different poses and backgrounds. I can do that easily. Photoshop is great for this. I thank Leila and tell her she will succeed in any field of philosophy she goes into and she can succeed in her etches, and paintings as well, she just needs to complete the other courses.

I knew that Leila needed the money the professor was giving her for the photos of all three of us, so Anastasia and I agreed to let her sell them to him. Once he got permission to recreate them in paintings he was off and running and soon I get word that a friend who now works in New York saw my likeness in a gallery and it was sold. I told her it could possibly be me. I explained it to her and it was definitely my face. She said that they had various photos of all kinds of people and paintings as well. She sent me several photos of the exhibits and the professor did amazing work. I can't believe I look that good. She sends the paintings of Anastasia and Leila as well and Professor Tobias did a great job. Except for the paintings he did provocative paintings of his subjects as well and there are men and women. Those I might have an issue with. I tell the friend that we didn't pose like that, we all had clothing on. We were wearing the typical college clothes. I sent her a copy of the original photos. Mom and dad might have a fir if I don't tell them and Anastasia needs to tell Ray as well. Leila needs to know what 5he guy did as well.

I tell dad the whole story and show him the agreement we signed. He explains that when we signed the document we gave him permission to use the image of us anyway he wished. Kate sent him the photos of the paintings and the original photos of us. He said that the paintings could never be mistaken for any of us. He told us to look closer at the paintings and we will see what he sees. I looked and he is right, I am not that big in the places the guy enlarged. None of our bodies look like those women's. Apparently the professor likes the Gibson girl figure. Dad told me to look it up. He told me that we aren't even close to having those figures. I checked it out and damn he is right. I send a note to Leila and Kate and the Gibson girl body type sites to them. They laugh after checking them out.

I can breathe easier and I send mom and dad the Gibson girl body type to them both and they laugh. They can see that it's definitely not our bodies he is painting there. Leila was sure that he took liberties with each painting. All his paintings sold out and he painted more.

A Gibson girl body type, well I wished I had one of those. I can't gain weight enough to get any ample anything. I look at the body he used on my painting. He definitely likes the ample everything. I can deal with my painting like that and Kate and Anastasia agreed as well. We kept the photos of the paintings of us the friend sent Leila.

I dragged Elliott and Christian to an art gallery of a professor from Washington state who has a showing of his work. Mom told them they had to take me out to get me away from her for a while. Mom loves me, but I think she is lonely after dad died. She tells me that she has had been dating and I am cramping her style. Dad died suddenly after winning a huge law suit and got paid for his work on it. They investigated it and did an autopsy. It turned out that he had a brain tumor that caused his death. That was sixteen years ago. We are all out of the house now. Mom kept the house because feels safe there. She kept his law firm going and has a management team running it. But she watches the books like a hawk. One of the partners tried skimming off her share of the income and she discovered it when she had to pay taxes on it. That was four months after my dad's death. The attorney is behind bars for embezzlement and disbarred. He had to make restitution as well. Mom has the accounts audited often. Some are surprise audits.

I really like these paintings and I buy one of them I could look at this face every day. Christian says it might go up in value because of the style it is done in.

I see a few paintings and I am drawn to them and the two look like sisters but they have a different look in their eyes. One looks sad and the other looks like she could jump off the painting to kick your ass. I think I like all three so I buy them and have them shipped to my home in Seattle. Elliott does the same. We go further and there's one who looks like dad and he is posed in front of the courthouse in Seattle. I have to buy that one.

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