Start Of The Trip

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"Good job Sofia, Thanks to you we got another hastler" Chrysta said giving the fellow 18 year old princess a high five after she got of minimus "No problem Chrysta" Sofia replied before a tug at Chrysta's Enchanclet was felt and the two females looked at the cause, aka the hastler.

"So, you're the princess that defeated the great power?" The hastler said "Yeah, and?" Sofia replied with a bit of hate tinted into her voice "It's just that- Actually never mind" Chrysta rolled her eyes before shoving the hastler into a temporary carriage-prison. "Take him away, make sure they're all separated-" Chrysta was cut of when another protected yelled "Killer! GET DOWN!" Sofia, who was processing what was happening quickly used her enchantler to grab the 'killer' and threw it ito the air as it had 10 more seconds before exploding.

The protectors quickly used their wings to cover themselves and minimus doved towards Sofia and quickly covered himself and her with his wing. A loud bang shook the ground causing the ground to shake violently for a dew seconds before eveything stayed silent. Everyone uncovered themselves before everyone asked eachother if they were okay. "Sofia!" Chrysta yelled making the princess look at her direction "Are you okay!? What were you thinking that killer was dangerous-" Sofia cut her of by placing a hand on her shoulder and said "I'm fine dont worry"

Chrysta let out a sigh of relief "I'm gonna go check in with the others" Chrysta said before leaving. "Sofia I hate to break it to you but we need to get back home, you still need to finish planning your party" minimus said causing Sofia to look at him "Oh my gosh I almost forgot! Hold on" Sofia said before running towards Chrysta "Chrys, I need to get back home, I still need to finish something" Chrysta looked back "Sure but come back tomorrow because we need to explain to the council what happened."

"I will, Bye!" With that she ran back to minimus and hoped on his back.

Sofia got of minumus back before walking him towards the stables "Get some rest minimus, we need to be back to everealm really tomorrow" Sofia said before taking his saddle of "I will, thanks Sof." The two said their goodbye as Sofia rushed back ti their carriage where james was waiting for her.

"Sorry I'm late, something came up at everealm" Sofia said as she sat beside James.
"Hey It's okay, but why dont you tell me on the way back home" James said and on cue the carriage started to move.

"Sounds like everealm's becoming dangerous these past years  5 years ago. I don't want anything like that happening ever again. I can't lose you again" James said clearly worried for his younger sister "It  wont I promise" Sofia reassured giving her brother a smile before placing a hand on his shoulder James mirroring her act, giving her a soft smile and placing his hand on top of hers.

"By the way, how's the sweet 16 party coming up? Your birthday's in a week or two" James let out a sigh "Hey, What's wrong?" Sofia asked looking at her brother "It's just time flies by so fast"
"Yeah it does" Sofia then reaching into her small bag and taking out picture.
they had together before Hugo went to another school half way around the world. Hugo's arm wrapped around her waist and Sofia arm around his shoulder.

James noticed this and snatched the paper picture out of her hand "What chu got there?" James asked turning the picture around to face him "Oh" was all he said before giving a smirk to Sofia who was avoiding his gaze looking down on the village of Enchancia "You know you have to tell him sooner or later" "I choose later" Sofia replied as they started landing.

"Were here your highnesses" The coach said before another coach opened the carriage gate and Sofia and James got down and thanked the two "Well I'll see you later James" Sofia waved to her brother goodbye before walking inside the castle.

James sighed before shoving both his hands in his pocket but felt something in his right pocket, James took out a paper. Not just a paper but a picture. "Damn. I miss you bud, Sofia missed you" Suddenly a idea popped up in James head and he ran of.

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now