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The door to Sofia's room opened revealing a Jun that was pulling a trolley that had a bowl of soup, medicine, warm water and a cloth. "Here" She left the trolley at the end of the bed and giving Amber a smile. Jun's gaze then went to the Protector Princess that was laying restless on her bed. "She went through a lot" Jun said in a soft tone "Indeed. But she's strong. She's stronger than any one of us" Hildegard replied as she laid on Cleo's lap on the floor. The sun was starting to set already. 


"Sofia!" Chrysta screamed when a changeling pinned her on the wall. Chrysta tried to fly but failed as two changelings held onto both her hands. Sofia struggled to get free from it's grasp as the changeling let out a smirk "So helpless. So weak. That is what get's you killed. Love get's you killed" The changeling said "I am not weak" Sofia gritted out. 

"Then prove it. Kill her." The changeling snap it's finger before blue flames came out of no where and two silhouette could be made out from the other side. The flame extinguished revealing a random Princess, her mouth was gagged with a cloth and hands tied with a rope. The princess had a look of terror on her face and muffled helps could be heard from her. "Are you crazy!?" 

"I take that as a compliment, thanks" The changeling chuckled before it let go of her wrist making her fall to the floor with a thud. "Kill her, and we set you all free" The changeling said before dropping a dagger next to her. Sofia hesitated before grabbing the dagger and stood up. 

"Sofia! What are you doing!?" Vega yelled but Sofia didn't respond as she stood in front of the Princess, who was now crying. The changeling laughed before walking behind Sofia. "Do it" He said.

Suddenly a boom could be hard from the outside making some changeling's, the princess, Chrysta and Vega look to the left. "You two, check it out" Two changeling's nodded before disappearing into thin air. 

"Sofia!!" Amber yelled from outside, just then the back door opened revealing Amber, Orion, James and other protectors. "What!?" The changeling yelled and looked at Sofia who wasn't in front of it  anymore and neither was the princess. 

"Don't move." Sofia said in a cold tone as she placed the dagger in front of it's throat. As if in a blink of an eye all the changelings were tied up. "Go on then. Kill me."  Sofia removed the dagger from the changeling's throat before but tied him up with her enchantlet. "You are now under arrest. For kidnapping, attempt of murder and Arson" She said before pulling to the back door. "Thor! Hugo's in the bathroom, be careful, he's in critical state" She explained, Thor nodded and went to the Bathroom stalls. 

"Critical state, really? We only punched him twice" The changeling stated "You punched him in the rib and chest" "Fair enough" 

Sofia handed The changeling to another Protector before giving him a thanks. "Sofia!" Amber and James yelled before hugging their little sister. "Thank god you're alright" Amber cried out.

"It's okay, nothing personal" Sofia reassured before letting go, "My little sister" James chuckled and the others followed, giving Sofia a hug. Soon Thor came out with Hugo's arm across his shoulder. "Hugo!" The boys cheered before giving Hugo a group hug

. Without anyone noticing, It whipped out three daggers before throwing one towards Vega . "Vega!!" Chrysta screamed catching everyone's attention as Orion knelt down beside Vega. Sofia looked to see Vega on the floor, with a dagger on her hand and the other holding her upper arm. in a blink of an eye, the second dagger found it's way to Chrysta's lower waist. "Chrysta!" Orion screamed. 

"Sofia, hide, hide! You're next!" James yelled, just then Sofia let out a scream of  pain when the dagger left a deep slit her left thigh "Get him out of here! Now!" Vega ordered before two other protectors forcefully put it on the carriage cell. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine" Chrysta reassured when Xyrille came to check up on her. "No you're not, c'mon I'll help you" Xyrille helped Chrysta to stand up and guide her to the carriage that Vega was already in. "Make sure Sofia is safe" She said, Xyrille reassured her before closing the door and the carriage soon left. 

"She'll be fine, but we have to get her to back to your home to heal her. And him" Xyrille looked at Hugo, "I'm fine, just heal her" Hugo said. "Let's go home, Uhhh" Vivian paused "Xyrille" 

"Xyrille, you can ride with Sofia and her family. Let's get back home, quick" Vivian said. 

Sofia POV

I let out a moan before opening my eyes and sitting up. Memories from last night filled my brain. "Was it a dream?" I asked myself before taking the cover's off my left thigh, showing bandages wrapped around where the dagger had cut before. "Nope" I say popping out the 'p'. Only then did I notice that I was in a night gown that only reached my thighs while being supported with thin straps. 

I quietly got out of bed, the marble floor nipping on my feet, I  quickly wore on some slippers before exiting the room with a lantern. My left thigh was numb but that didn't let that stop me from reaching Hugo's room. I started hesitated for a bit before knocking on his door. A few seconds passed before the door opened revealing a shirtless Hugo that had bandages wrapped around his chest. "Sofia, Hi, what are you doing here late at night?" He asked.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And I wanted to explain everything to you" Sofia answered  trying to focus my gaze on his face "I'm fine, and Xyrille already explained everything while she bandaged me up" 

"Ah, I see" An awkward silence flowed through the air until Hugo let out a low "Fuck it" and my lips were met with his warm ones . I  was stunned for a few seconds before I felt him start to move away, She quickly kissed him back, fireworks were erupting from her brain and butterflies in her stomach, slowly Hugo broke the kiss, looking at her with passion. "Let's take this inside yeah?" I slowly nodded before he softly grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him before shutting the door. 

"So beautiful" He whispered and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before pulling me in a passionate kiss, I quickly kissed back once more and my arms found their way behind his neck. Hugo then guided both of us to the bed while not breaking the kiss before pinning me down. 

They finally pulled away for air, a trail of saliva being the only thing connecting them. "I love you Sofi" Hugo said while he peppered her exposed neck with kisses. "I love you to"  I whispered and Hugo stopped giving me pepper kisses but instead just cuddled with me. 

"If this is a dream then I hope I never wake up" I said making Hugo chuckle while stroking my long brunette hair.

 A few minutes into our cuddle we had changed positions so that I was know laying on his chest while we both read separate books. 

"Me too darling" I felt him kiss my  temple before a sound of his book being shut "It's already around three in the morning" He started before grabbing the book out of my hands making me let out a sarcastic scoff, "I was reading that!" I said, lightly slapping his chest. "And now we sleep" He finished, giving me a peck on the cheek before closing his eyes "Hey Hugo" I said making him hum

"What are we?" I asked "Anything that you want" He replied "Then I want us to court, It may be hard by we can try. Please?" I said looking up at him to see him already looking down at me with a small smile "Like I said, anything you want" He said "I love you" 

"I love you more fox" With that we slowly went to sleep. 

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now