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Heyo! Finals are finally done, and that means I get to continue writing!!! This chapter is mainly explaining, so I am very sorry.

Sofia, Wake up!" James yelled "Dude! Are you asking to get a smack in the face?" Hugo reminded James, that the brunette in his bed did not like to be woken up by loud noises, unless it was a emergency. 
 "Well- No. But why is she in your bed, in your room!?" James asked "Could you stop yelling? I had a nightmare at the middle of the night. The girls were asleep and you're a heavy sleeper. So I went to Hugo, he helped me calm down until I fell asleep" Sofia lied as she got up from Hugo's bed. 

"That's it? Nothing else?" 

"Yes" Sofia cried  as she exited Hugo's room and went to hers. Just as she closed the door her enchantlet started glowing, she picked it up and answered the call. On the other side was Chrysta with Orion and Vega. "Sofia! How are you holding up?" Chrysta was the first to talk "Good over here. What's up?" Sofia could tell that something serious was happening. " Sorry to call while you're still recovering but, It's the council. They want you here to discuss the topic about the attack last night" Vega explained, The brunette's face turned serious "It must have been a serious attack that even the council needs to know the full detail" Sofia muttered "Indeed, the last the council has ever called a meeting this serious was after the Vor incident" 

"I'll be right over" A worried look came from Orion's face "Are you sure? what about you leg?" He asked "It's fine. Right know the council needs us" Sofia reassured "Alright, I'll send Ukiyo to fetch you" With that the call ended 

 Just then, a knock was heard "Come in" Sofia yelled and James entered "You will tell me if you are being courted, right?"  

"I let you date my best friend, why can't I date yours?" Sofia muttered as she changed into a dress in her changing room as James sits in her vanity "It's different. You cannot date until your 18" James scolds "I just don't want to be a uncle so fast" Sofia exited her changing room, wearing her protectors outfit,  and started pushing James out of her vanity. 

"Vivian, get your boyfriend out of my room before I throw him out!" Sofia shouted so loud that it could be heard all the way to the boy's side "James!" Vivian warned "Vivian, this is a sister and brother matter! I'll make it up to you later!" James shouted "James!" Vivian repeated "So like I was saying-" James sentence was cut short when Sofia pushed his tall figure out the door. "We can talk later. But right know I need to go to mystic isles and report everything to the head protectors." Sofia rushed as she put on her enchantlet and tied her hair into a ponytail. "Right know? I mean, you just got back from being attacked by those changelings" James questioned "That was one of the most dangerous attacks ever recorded in the mystic isles, it's no wonder why they want a good explanation" Sofia explained "Then how will you get there?" James asked "A carriage or unicorn is on it's way here" The teenage protector rushed to put her socks and shoes on before heading downstairs with James behind her "Won't you atleast get a bite to eat?" 

"I'll be eating with Chrysta later when I meet up with her before the meeting" Just then, the sounds of strong wings flapping was heard outside. "That's my ride. I need to go, tell Amber where I went please" Sofia rambled as she ran but yelled a 'Thank you' before disappearing out the doors.

Sofia rushed down the steps and slowed down a few steps before the ground, where she saw a fully grown female unicorn, with light golden fur and light pink hair. Her horn was a long pearly white. "Good morning Ukiyo" Sofia greeted to which Ukiyo let out a neigh in response. 

"Good morning Protector Sofia." Ukiyo said "Ready to go?" Sofia smiled "Yup. Whenever you're ready" Ukiyo bowed down to help Sofia hop on her back. Once  Sofia sat comfortably, Ukiyo stood up "Get ready" Ukiyo said before flying away from the mountain castle. It was still 8 in the morning so it was a bit foggy. The two female made small talk on the short trip. Finally, they were at the entrance of the Mystic Isles. Even after years of working as a protector, the magical place always made Sofia's breath hitch. 

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now