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Click. Sofia sighed in relief as her luggage finally closed. "I guess this is goodbye?" A voice said behind her. Sofia turned around to see Hugo on the other end of the door, his hands in his pocket. "Not exactly" Sofia sat on the top of her luggage as Hugo came inside . "It's just a see you later" Sofia giggled and Hugo followed "How long will you guys  be staying at Avalor?" Hugo asked "A week or two, who knows maybe even longer. The queen sent us because apparently a group of changelings were spotted there. And not their typical changelings but the changelings that appeared from last night. I don't know how it got there but when Elena and her friends found it, it was calling my name. And her sister is having  her birthday party. I might stay there longer if needed" Sofia said. 

"Well, then I guess I'll see you in a week or two" Hugo chuckled but the smile on his face fell. "I have to say something. As your best friend or maybe more....I don't think this protector thing is safe. I think it's better if you hand over your enchantlet and let this go.."

Sofia's smile faded "No!" Sofia raised her voice. "Listen Sofia-"

"No. You listen Hugo. Being a protector has been a wonderful thing that has happened in my life. I love helping people, putting bad guys or creatures in cells. I just can't leave all of this behind! I've worked so hard to be where I am at, and if you can't accept that, then...Just go" Sofia gave him a hard stare. Hugo knew that stare, it was rare. Sofia would rarely get mad. Hugo knew me messed up. So with a nod, he left the room.

Just as he left Amber came inside "Hey, are you okay? I heard you raise your voice" Amber asked "No...Hugo said that he thinks it better off if I give my enchantlet back to the protectors.." Sofia answered "He just want's to look out for you"

"I know but, I can't just leave them! Especially now that their are changelings on the lose not just here but in Avalor as well. And I'm not fit out to be a princess that stays indoors, you know this already.  " Sofia said. Just then a knock was heard and both sisters turned their heads to the door to see James and a few butlers. "Hey, are you all done? We have to leave"  "Uh..Yeah" Sofia answered. James nodded and let the butlers in to carry the luggage. "Ready to go back to Avalor? Tomorrow of course" James smiled "Yup! Can't wait to see Elena again!" Amber replied. "Well then let's get moving! The others are already outside." 

James lead Sofia and Amber out of the room and outside where the others were. "We'll miss you guys so much. This vacation hasn't really been a vacation, especially with you guys not around" Vivian was the first to speak as she went up to hug Sofia, then Amber.  The other's followed and gave each of them a hug.  "Sorry for leaving in such short notice" Amber apologized "It's alright. We know how hard queen duties and protector duties are given the event last night." Hildegard said. 

"Well we must get going if we want to leave by tomorrow" Amber said. Everyone said their goodbye's as the three siblings headed inside their carriage. Sofia gave a glance at Hugo who was also looking at her. 

The carriage began to move and before they knew it, they were already near the village. "Avalor food is just divine! The way they put so much flavor into their food" James was obsessed with Avalor food. "Okay future guard, calm your stomach. Were not even leaving until tomorrow" Amber said. 

"You can't blame him Amber, Avalor is an amazing kingdom. The last time we visited we only got to explore the village. Me and Elena have been writing for a while know and she said that Avalor has been more of a mystery then ever" 

"Well we can talk more about it with mother and father as we are about to land" Amber said as she looked out the window. After a minute, the carriage collided with the stone pavement, and the carriage slowly stopped. The door opened to reveal their mother and father waiting on the top of the stairs. "The royal children have returned" Baileywick announced as they step out of the carriage one by one. 

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now