Purple and Race

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Cheers filled the halls with everyone claiming their rooms.  Sofia had picked out room five their were two reasons why. One was because it was the closes to the stairs and two was because it was the closer one to Hugo's room which was on the other side with the other boy's  . to her left was Vivian room then Hildegard across was Ambers then Clio's followed by Jun 

On the other side of the half stayed James who'd roomed with Khalid then Jin and Desmond.

Sofia went out of her room before closing her door revealing the number, she then checked the number five on the checklist with her name before entering her room. The room was descent, it had everything she needed, a bed, closet, working station, vanity, ect. 

On top of the working station was the magic paper "This should be interesting" She told herself before dragging her body towards the work station, taking a seat and grabbing the quill "Rules, must be formal, no wild animals allowed, can have weapons but not to much . A few minutes in she finally finished, the paper started to levitate before it started to descend before the place started to shake. Sofia didn't freak out as she read on the paper that this was normal, meaning that the room had started taking form. 

She watched as the room began to form the way she wrote. After two minutes or so the change had stopped revealing her room. It was beautiful, the pillars changed into a amethyst marbled one, so had the floor. in the middle were small steps leading down to a cloud like flooring where a 'map' of ever realm could be seen. Her bed was circular and around it was tall windows that pointed at the top. there on the ceiling hanged a massive purple diamond chandelier, next to the work station was a big book shelf that had a mirror in the shape of her amulet, tall gold curtain's that reached the floor . Her bathroom had a built in bath tub in the colors dark purple and gold, on one side was a hot tub as well, the flooring was a marbled with the color dark purple with another chandelier that matched the on in her room. "Amazing" She muttered before a knock on her door interrupted her thought "Come in" She called and a second later Vivian entered her room in a  silk light pink bathing robe.

"Sofia- wow" Vivian cut herself of as she looked around "Cool right" Sofia squealed "Yeah, very purple. But that's not  why I came here. Me and a few others are going to the in door pool, wanna come?" Vivian asked "Sure why not, you go ahead" Sofia smiled "Okay then, we'll meet you there" Sofia agreed before Vivian waved good bye and exited her room before poking her head out "By the way if you don't have any bathing suits there are some in your walk in closet" Vivian said and smiled at Sofia before fully closing the door. Sofia walked towards her walk in closet and opened it to see a few clothes such a few bathing suits and gowns. She then chose a black  two piece bikini the top was strapless and the bottom had a transparent see through skirt like that attached to the under wear. 

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now