Welcome back to Avalor

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"Your majesties, we have arrived" When the enchanancia royals heard this  they immediately ran out of their room and out the deck, not caring if they look professional or not. Sofia being the first to rush down the stairs, she threw herself straight into the Avalor Queen's arms "I missed you so much!" They both squealed before letting go, as Elena went to hug James and Amber and Sofia doing the exact same thing but to Isabell, Gabe, Mateo, and Naomi. "We have a lot to catch up on, and wow- your kingdom looks amazing since the last time we came here" Amber mesmerized the bright colors. 

"Isabell can show you around while we talk to Sofia" Elena looked at her little sister who got the message and walked over to the twins "Come, while I give you a tour of Avalor, your stuff will be transferred to the castle and into your rooms. Like you said Amber, we have a lot to catch up on!" The brunette took both their hands before dragging them to the carriage. 

"Well, how about we get to work. Can you show me where you first saw the changeling?" Sofia asked "Sure, but we need  a ride" Mateo let out a whistle and after a few seconds six jaquins showed up "Hola Prinsesa, anything we could be of help of?" Migs asked "Yup, but first" Naomi and Elena stepped aside to to let the jaquins see the young protector. Immediately, when their eyes realized who it was Celia, Migs, Skylar, and Luna yelled "Prinsesa Sofia!" 

"Hey Skylar, Luna, Meg, and two new faces" Her gaze turned to the other three jaquins who had a confused look in their face. As if  Naomi read their minds she spoke "Princess Sofia was the one that freed Elena from her amulet and helped save Avalor from Shiriki" 

"Nice to meet you prinsesa. I am Nico, this is Avion," The green winged jaquin introduced "Anyways, what brings you here Sofia?" Skylar asked "Elena informed me that a changeling from my lands has come here. I need to stop it" The jaquins immediately showed serious faces. 

"Got it, hop on" Elena rode on Skylar, Gabe with Nico, Mateo with Migs, Naomi with Celia, and Sofia with the now grown up Avion. When they were on the air Gabe was the first to ask "So, where exactly did these changelings come from?" He asked Sofia explained everything, what the mystic Isles was, what the changelings were doing on earth, the events that happened years ago ecetera. By the time she was done they had arrived to the place. 

"That's crazy" Naomi muttered out while they mounted off the jaquins. But was immediately shushed by Sofia "Did you guys hear that?" She asked in a quiet tone "Here what?" Elena asked but Sofia didn't reply as she continued to look around the trees. "Who's there? Show yourself!" She shouted, after a few seconds rustling could be heard exiting the trees. Elena pulled out her staff, Gabe and Naomi pulled out their swords and Mateo pulled out his tamborita. 

A fox suddenly jumped out of the bushed, they all eased up and lowered their weapons. "Hey, what's that in it's mouth?" Naomi pointed out and slowly approached the wild fox, before grabbing the item in its mouth. It was a scroll.

"Uh guys, you might want to look at this" They all huddled up behind the blonde girl. Naomi opened up the scroll to see symbols imprinted with green ink. "Amazing....I've never seen symbols like these before. And the language looks to be ancient" Mateo stated.

"It's the changeling forgein language" Sofia said "How'd you know that?" Gabe asked. Sofia pointed to a symbol in the upper right. "It's their symbol"


Naomi cracked up a chuckle "What?" Gabe asked "Nothing" Naomi grinned "Do you know what it says?" Elena asked "Unfortunately, no. But I can contact thr protectors of mystic isle. See if they can get through IT"

"It?" Gabe asked "It's the name I gave the leader of the  changeling's"

Sofia stood up properly and raised her right arm, when the lasso appeared, floating in mid air in a circle. "Sofia! Why are you calling?" Vega  asked, beside her was Chrysta and Orion. They all looked behind Sofia to see the looks on the rests faces.

"Queen Elena and her friends had seen a changeling on their kingdom that has been calling my name. We went to the place where they saw the changing her on avalor where we found a fox carrying this." Naomi showed the scroll.

"It's changeling language. We can't understand it, and I was hoping that you could get through It back there"

"No problem Sofia, I already got the image. You enjoy spending time with your friends. We'll contact you when we figure it out" Vega replied. Sofia lips rose into a smile "Thank you" she said and they bowed their heads before ending the call.

"Well you heard them! Let's have fun!" Skylar interrupted "I agree with Skylar. How about we go to this tropical island near the kingdom and we can all go camping?" Elena suggests "Yes! We haven't been camping since forever!" Naomi chimed in.

"Great! When we get back we'll inform the others and get packing."

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" Mateo, Sofia, Elena, and Naomi turned their heads to look at Gabe who was already on Migs back. The four followed his lead and they all rode back to the palace.

There they explained the plan to the others who were already on board. As Sofia packed a few items in a bag in her room a knock was heard "Come in!" The door opened "Hey, Sofia. Ready to go?" Elena asked. "Yeah, got my bag right here!" Sofia said and followed Elena out the door. 

"You girls ready to go?" Gabe asked "Yup!" Isabell said as we all got in two separate carriages. "Alright then, Hiyah!" Both carriages started to make their way out the castle and to the docks. 

"I can't wait to go camping!" Isabell cheered from beside me. "Me too! It's been so long since we went out!" 

"We can go swimming with dolphins there!" 

"Is it just me or did Avalor and the whole of Europe get an upgrade?" Sofia grinned "You got that right! Last year was matting season for the animals in the ocean, so you will find baby animals all over the ocean!" 

In just thirty minutes they were all back in the ocean. Sofia was leaning on a railing while holding a picture of her and Hugo. "So, who's the lucky guy?" Sofia turned her head to see Elena "It's no one" She lied. 

"I know that look Sofia. What happened?" 

"Well, you know the whole I got stabbed thing, right?" Elena nodded "Well, a few days ago Hugo talked to me, trying to convince me that maybe I should stop being a protector. I was so mad at him, that I didn't even say goodbye to him. Same with my dad. I know they just want to look out for me but, I'm a protector for a reason" 

"I understand your frustration Sofia. I know it's hard to hear that from someone you cared for. But, if you love him, you'll talk to him or in this case. Send him a letter" Sofia smiled before looking back at the picture "Your right. , Thanks Elena" 

"No problem. Now, this Hugo, what's he like?" 

The two continued to talk, catching up about their life. It was good, they both needed this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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