Apology and explaining from the author

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Heyo!!! Thank you guys so much for sticking to my book! I really do appreciate it. So I wanted to apologize for so many delays. If you already know and read my other book you will know that my idiotic brain thought "What if I make a book from scratch but on another account?" So that's what I am doing. Since I decided to make another book I decided to make a schedule. 

So basically, Sofia x Hugo- Other book- Keith Kogane x Reader, one post everyday. 

But! I am currently at the hospital because of an stupid ass Illness. Doctor said that I should rest for a while, meaning no writing. 

I just wanted to explain it to ya'll and again, say sorry. 

If you ever are suffering from something feel free to message me on my insta @azzu. There you can vent any problems and if I can I can give you advice. 

Bye everyone!!

Protector Of Eachother// Hugo x SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now