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"I cannot walk anymore"
One of our friends said as we walked from one pandal to another.

Neil and I were walking behind everyone. We were talking like others don't exit!

After a long walk and more and more pandals, we entered a restaurant to have our lunch, a bunch of teenagers in a fairly expensive restaurant, brought only one thing "chaos"

Anyways we survived that!!
Lunch went pretty good tbh!

Now it was time for us to go home but some of the boys decided to get going for more pandals! And it included him!
And I don't know fucking why they wanted to take me 4 boys and me?
No way I was going but then Niel goes "chal na yaar please" with a puppy face and there I am telling you there I melted like I an ice-cream and I agreed
The other three teased me "the last time 'we' checked you were getting late, right?" I passed a awkward smile you know.

Pretty much every person on the earth knew I liked Niel even my mother knows that I like him.

Anyways, it was so crowded!!!!!
And Niel constantly instructed me "stay with us" "walk in the middle" "don't be the last one" so I was walking with him most of the time and believe me when I tell you our friends are the best supporter they left us alone!!!

I really thought he'd be mad at them but he walked with me as if they were not there and it's only us!!

We got done with our pandal hopping and were ready to go home.
But he was not going with us because he had plans with his cousins.

It is so crowded in the locals during Puja!!! He constantly said the other three "make sure she sits in the auto!!"
They told me to go with them in the general compartment but he strictly instructed them and me to not take in the general compartment.

But it was too crowded and many males were there in the ladies compartment.

And you won't believe what he did!! He fucking got in the train with me!!!
It was so crowded and we were so fucking close!! Only few inches apart! I swear to god I would have kissed him!! He was standing gaurding me in front and was leaning against a wall and we both holding something for our support.

Our eyes met so many time but one time we looked at each other and kept looking for like 5 fucking minutes and he smiles. Fuck his smile!! Will be the reason for my death i swear!!

Our eye contact broke when an unwanted but wanted (ifykyk) brake made him almost bang our bodies together! Fuck he smelled so good!!
I love my life right now.

I knew there was something between us and we are gonna be together, I was so sure at that moment.

Soon my stop arrived and we got down, he sat in an auto and informed me call him after I reached home!

My phone rang not even 10 mins after I got in auto, it was him, as I once told him, my house is just 10 mins away from the station.
I picked up the call.

You reached?

Areh nahi its not even 10 mins

Stay in the call until you reach home!

Fuck I love this care and concern so fucking much!!

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