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A/n just ate McDonald's 😜 so yum but that's all go read now
TW: mentions of Self Harm
Ambers POV
Time passes and we can finally leave

Me and Tara walk out and we're almost at my car until Wes turns me around and pushes me

"You snitch bitch!" he yells "why the hell would you tell her all that!"

"She said you told her and that's why I was at the station in the first place you shitface!" I yell back

"So what if I told her?! Now I'm grounded and getting everything taken!"

"So?! That's nothing! You'll live for 2 months!"

"Oh but you won't" he says pulling a pocket knife out and slashes my arm

"Dude what the hell?!" I yell and hold my arm

I see Tara run to the station to get someone

"You can't mess with the sheriffs son. I always have a weapon" he says chuckling

"Your a PSHYCO!" I yell as I hit the knife out his hand. He was not holding that shit correctly.

"Bitch!" He yells and runs towards me

I kick him in the leg and he falls. I step on his ankle and hear it crack. He screams like a little girl and then tries to reach from the knife

"Oh no you don't" I say and run towards the knife

I grab it and throw it so he can't get it

He then grabs my ankle and pulls me down

My head hit the ground really hard and I pass out

Tara's POV
"Oh my god Amber!" I scream as I see her unconscious body on the floor

"Wes what the hell did you do?!" I yell at him

"It's all her fault!" He yells back "she broke my ankle!"

"You cut her arm!" I scream at him while sobbing "I saw you pull her leg! Why'd you pull her down so hard?!"

"That dyke (I CAN SAY THIS REMEMBER) deserved it" he says with a goofy smile

I get up and jump on him and start to punch him

The cops I brought out with me had to pull me off and call for an ambulance for the both of them

I'm at the hospital now with Mindy, Chad, and Liv

"Tar when are you gonna tell us what happened?" Mindy asks

"Mindy!" Chad whisper shouts and hit her arm

"No chad it's fine" I say "I gotta tell y'all sooner or later"

I start to explain what happened and they all seem pissed now

"What the hell?" Liv says "why the hell would Wes do that?!"

"Because he's a jealous little bitch who can't get a grip Tara doesn't want him" Mindy says arms folded

Chad doesn't say anything. He's speechless. He can't believe his best friend since forever would do such a thing. He looks so pissed but so sad at the same time. I feel bad.

Ambers POV

I wake up to see the morning sun. It's around 8am, but I'm not home? Where am I? What the hell? Am I in the hospital? What happened? Oh I remember. Im going to beat Wes' ass.

Oh fuck wait, my arm.. did they see?

I move my arm out of the blanket and look at my arm. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. They definitely say it. Pleasepleaseplease tell me they didn't tell Tara, please god please.

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