- CHAPTER 10 -

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I'm like dead tired and really cold but imma write this bc I love y'all ❤️ enjoy!!

TW: overdose and straight up sadness 🤗 (I forgot to put these😔)
Amber's POV
I wake up with a terrible headache. What the hell happened last night? I sit in my bed, confused, and look over as I hear my bedroom door open. It's Tara.

"Hey babe, you okay? There's medicine and water for you right there" She says as she walk over to the other side of the bed.

I take the medicine and water and lay back down. "Amber?"


"Do you remember what you did last night? At the party?"

"I remember a bit.."

"Can you tell me? Cause I was really pissed last night."

"Oh? Why?"

"I'll explain why after you tell me what happened"

"Okay so I remember going in with you, drinking, you leaving to fill your cup, me going to the bathroom at that time, a girl and she was nice. She had some cups, she gave me one, my head kinda hurt after that but the drink was good! It kinda tasted like Dr Pepper. I remember going upstairs with that girl.. and that-that's it" I lie at the last bit cause I don't want to Tara to get mad.

"What else"


"What else Amber? I know it doesn't end there"

"That's all I remember! I promise!"

"Amber don't lie. I can see it. I can tell your lying. I've know you forever don't even."

"O-okay. So s-she kinda took her clothes off and my clothes, w-we did some things.. but I remember fainting so I guess she put in t-the bed.. I kinda don't remember anything else accept wanting to throw up cause my head was spinning.."


"...Tara, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I promise I didn't want to, she kinda forced me into it. I'm really sorry Tara."


She's crying. I made her cry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have talked to that girl. I should've waited til she got back. I should've went to the bathroom with Tara so nothing would happen. This is all my fault.

"Tara please.. I'm sorry. Like really super sorry. I-I really don't know what happened. I was drunk and I think she drugged my drink." I say. I'm starting to tear up.

I sit up and try to hug Tara but she backs away.

"N-no don't touch me. I'm leaving. I'm going to go home and do whatever I need to so I can forget about this. This is bull. Please don't text me or call me for a while. I don't wanna hear your voice or see your contact. Bye Amber." Tara says as she gets up and walks off. Why did I do that? I'm so fucking stupid. I should've just said no to the drink. No to going upstairs. No to everything that girl asked!

Im so sick of this. Sick of me. This sucks. I don't want Tara to be mad at me. But she is. I hate this!

I know Tara said not to text her but I just wanna tell her I love her.

I open messages and go to Tara's contact. I see the previous messages. I never sent these? I don't even talk like that! Oh my fucking god. That bitch from the party! No way she said I was her girlfriend. That is a bunch of Bullshit. Im done.

I turn my phone off and throw it over the edge of the bed. I can't take this. I can't deal with this. Im sick of everything. I don't want to do this. But at this point there's not a better choice.

I go into the bathroom and get my pills. I hate pills. Im going to write Tara a note first. I don't wanna die and not write Tara a note.

I start writing. For some reason I'm writing really fast. It's all coming to me so quick. After a few minutes I finish the note.

Dear Tara,
I love you so much Tara. I hope you know that. No matter what you are always going to be my world. Even though you mean so much to me, there's no way I can stay here any longer. Everything hurts. No matter what I do something always gets fucked up. I just get in the best relationship with the best girl and I fucked it up. What happened at the party was my fault and I should've just not talked to that girl at all. Im so sorry Tara. For everything. For all the times I've hurt you. For all the times I've worried you. Just everything. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I ruined it. I know that I sound dumb because I'm basically killing myself over a "minor inconvenience" but this isn't a minor inconvenience. I've fucked it all up. My life was honestly bad before I was with you. So I'm doing this for all those years I wanted to but I was just too scared. I'm sorry Tara. I promise you I'll watch over you when I die. I love you babygirl. Forever and always, Amber.
I fold up the note and put it in a box. This box has some of my favorite things to give to Tara. My favorite hoodie, rings, necklace, lip balm, and my favorite photos of us. I close the box and label it "For Tara."

I go back in the bathroom and take as many pills as I can swallow before everything goes black.

Tara's POV
I've taken the time to think for a bit when I got home and realized I've overreacted. It wasn't Ambers fault. It was that whores fault. I try texting Amber, calling Amber for no answer. I decided to walk over to her house which is a bout 5 minutes away.

I grab my key and twist the handle. "Amber?" No answer. I go upstairs and open her bedroom door.
She's not here. I go into her bathroom and see Amber, on the floor, eyes closed, and- and a bottle of pills? Oh shit.

I hurry and dial 911 and tell them to come to her house. Shitshitshitshit. At least they'll be here soon.

This is my fault. I made her think I was mad at her. I see a box in the corner of the bathroom. I go over and it says "For Tara." For me? What is in here?

I don't even get to open it cause I hear banging on the door downstairs. I run down the stairs and point them up to where Amber is. I see more people come in but this time with a stretcher. Oh my god. I see them run up and down the steps. First without Amber and the second time with Amber. I start crying. She has a oxygen mask on her face. I run after them and jump in the back of the ambulance.

I ride with them while the run around Amber trying to wake her up. I can't look at her. I never wanted this to happen. Please Lord, let Amber be okay.
The doctors told me I wasn't allowed to go in with Amber cause they had to run some tests to see what she did, what she took, or whatever.

I go back to Ambers house and go to the box. When I open it I immediately recognize all of it. It's all of Amber's favorite stuff. On top. There's a note. I read it and start to bawl. I can't believe she would do this. I love her so much. I never would've thought this would drive her over the edge. I'm a terrible girlfriend. My poor baby is suffering and I didn't try to help at all. I knew she was going through a lot and I didn't help. I should've been better. Maybe if I was better, she wouldn't have done this. Maybe if I wasn't so over dramatic, none of this would've happened.

I hope she's okay.
A/N: I'm so sorry about this guys. I def cried while writing it. I can't even. I hope you can find a nicer story to read after this. I hope y'all have a good day. I love y'all 🫶🏾❤️ mwah! Good night!

Words: 1401

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